He gaped at her for a moment, and then everything clicked into place. “Did Micheline ask you to get close to me?” he asked.

She blinked. “Yes,” she finally answered, surprising him with her honesty. “For whatever reason, she thinks you and I would be a good match.”

This both infuriated him and intrigued him, even without knowing his mother’s reasoning. “Then you know what? You and I ought to give her a good show.”

“Excuse me?” Clearly startled, Fiona eyed him. “What do you mean?” A slow, sultry grin spread across her face as his words sank in. “Are you saying we should...pretend?”

Careful to keep it casual, he shrugged. “If you’re up for it, sure. I’m not planning to be here that long anyway, so...”

Slowly, she nodded. “Okay. I think that’s a great idea.” Again, she flashed that smile, lighting up her dark eyes. “It’s easier since you’re so hot.”

“Hot?” It took a moment for him to understand. “You think I’m hot?” The thought was so unbelievable it made him laugh. He realized she’d already begun playing her role. He held up a hand before she could respond. “No need to explain. I get it. And for the record, I find you hot, too.” She didn’t need to know he truly meant it.

They exchanged grins. Again, that pull. Leaning toward her, he found himself fighting the urge to kiss her.

Later, he thought. When necessary to help with their acting. Fiona didn’t need to know how much he’d enjoy it.

If only he didn’t get the sense she was hiding something.

Chapter 3

Fiona loved the idea of playing along with Jake to fool his mother and Leigh. And who knew, Micheline might be so pleased with her apparent success with Jake that she’d accidentally reveal something that might help the FBI build their case against her.

And, since Fiona always tried to be honest with herself, the notion of getting all up close and personal with the sexy cowboy made her entire body hum.

Even if Jake did happen to believe she needed a deprogrammer’s help to get her out of the cult. He’d simply have to continue to think that. She had no choice in the matter, at least until she had enough evidence to secure an arrest.

As they strolled arm in arm through the now-crowded lobby, she felt as if she floated in her pretty dress and heels. With her chosen career, she rarely if ever got to dress like this. And the appreciation she’d seen glowing in Jake’s blue eyes made her feel feminine and beautiful. In her line of work, if she wanted to be taken seriously—and she did—she’d learned to underplay her feminine side. She couldn’t even remember the last time she’d dressed like this.

“They haven’t yet rung the dinner bell,” Fiona mused. “You should see these people move when they do. They all jostle for a good place in line. It’s amazing and sometimes slightly scary to watch.”

Jake nodded. “What kind of food do they serve here?”

“It depends.” She shrugged. “I think they mostly try to keep it healthy.” She grinned. “Though everyone seems happiest when they have pizza night.”

When they reached his truck, she stopped and studied it, letting him see her appreciation. “Latest model Ford F-250,” she mused. “With a lift kit, custom wheels and a bed cover. Not at all what I expected.”

He unlocked the doors. “I’m almost afraid to ask, but what did you expect?”

“A farm truck.” She got inside, running her hand over the soft black leather. “You know, big and kind of beat-up. Not a beautiful new truck like this.”

“You sound as if you know a lot about trucks,” he said, pushing the start button.

“All vehicles, actually.” She smiled slightly. “I’m a bit of a car nut. I’ve been that way ever since I was a preteen. My dad worked for a dealership in Phoenix, and he sometimes let me go to work with him.”

Jake nodded. “Does your family still live there?”

“Yep.” Sticking to the truth, without elaborating. Less chance of slipping up, or giving herself away.

He waited a heartbeat and then nodded. “Where to?”

“Do you like sushi?” She braced herself for him to decline. Even before she’d gone inside AAG, she never could find anyone willing to eat sushi with her.

“Sometimes.” He shrugged. “Only if it’s really great. Is there a good sushi place around here?”

Nearly humming with anticipation, she nodded. “There is. Turn left on Fifth Street.”

When they reached Purple Sushi, she barely restrained herself from bouncing up and down in her seat like an excited child. “It’s been so long since I got to have sushi,” she said, not bothering to hide her glee. “Thank you so much for agreeing to come here.”