“Your wat—”

He stumbled closer, the gun still firmly lodged in his hand, but Nova hung on and wailed, “It’s too early. The baby can’t come this early.”

“Get up!” He screamed the words, but she pulled on him again, this time harder on his free arm. It was enough to pull him off balance and gave her a chance to look up on the mountain.

The glint she’d seen was now a line of MVPD officers. She made out Spencer in the distance and did her level best to send the proper signal.

On a hard scream, she let go of Ferdy’s arm and stabbed him hard in the eye with her fingers.

Then she put up her hands and ran, screaming all the way, “Help!”

* * *

Nikolas heard the screams and saw the swirling push-pull of two bodies playing out in the clearing. He’d driven hell for leather out to the eastern edge of town, a wash of images racing through his mind.

Images of holding Nova safe in his arms fought with his worst fears and he was nearly mindless as he drove, gripping the steering wheel until he vaguely registered the ache in his fingers.

And still he drove on. Ninety. One hundred. As fast as he dared, whipping toward the edge of town.

He raced for the duo, no idea what he’d do against a gun. His only consideration was getting to her. Putting himself between Nova and the man who’d come to kill her.

They’d come so far. She was still alive and the police were here and he was here.


Nikolas screeched to a halt, slamming the car in Park and leaping out of the driver’s side. He dashed toward them, stopping short when the large body in front of him stiffened just as a loud crack rent the air.

The man who chased Nova stilled and fell, a sniper’s shot fatal.

And Nova continued to run.

Nikolas gave no thought to the body, just sprinted around Ferdy’s motionless form until he could get to Nova.

She screamed as his arms came around her, fighting and struggling against his tight hold. “Nova! Nova! It’s me, Nikolas.” When she still didn’t stop, he held on tighter and planted his feet. “Nova! Baby. I’m here!”

She finally quieted at that, her eyes going wide as she twisted to look up at him.

He’d managed to stop their forward movement and could hear Spencer and his team swarm down from the mountain behind them. Paying them no mind, he held her, pulling her close and pressing her head against his chest. “Shh, now. You’re okay.”

The small form that had so recently been in wildcat mode pressed against him, her arms wrapping around his neck as she clung to him. “Oh, Nikolas. I thought... I mean... I didn’t know if you were—” A heavy sob fell from her lips. “You told me to run but all I could think was that I was leaving you.”

“It’s all right now. We’re both okay. And you did exactly what you needed to do. Getting you and the baby to safety was all that mattered. All I wanted.”

“I’m sorry I left.”

“And I’d have been mad at you if you’d tried to stay.”

“But there was a bomb. And Ferdy was there. And you’re okay!” She said that last part in a rush, as if finally realizing that he’d gotten free of the danger.

“Callum Colton knows a thing or two about bombs and knew how to take this one apart.”

“Oh, okay.” She still clung to him but her arms softened a bit as she stared up at him. “I guess I’d rather belong to the family who knows how to take them apart than the ones who put them together.”

“Then I’d say you’ve come to the right place.”

Although she’d made the joke, it finally sank in that Nikolas was standing with her and Ferdy was not. “Where is—”

She tried to twist around but Nikolas held her still. “There’s no need to look.”