That tender look faded, his hazel eyes going wide. “Can we? I mean, I don’t think that we. Um. Well, it’s just that—”

He stopped and Nova couldn’t hold back the light giggle that rumbled up in her chest. “Yes, I can do that. We can do it together. In fact, it’s good for me.”

“Excuse me?”

“Most pregnant women are lucky enough to get regular sex. It’s healthy and normal.”

“Oh. Wow.”

“It doesn’t gross you out?”

The confusion that had lit his gaze only moments before faded, replaced with something she couldn’t quite define but would happily look at every single day for the rest of her life.

“Not at all. And don’t you even think it. Not for one single minute.”

And she wouldn’t.

She had far more pleasurable ways to spend her minutes.

Chapter 16

Nova followed Nikolas down the hall to his room, her body humming with anticipation. She wanted this. Wanted him. But now that she was faced with the chance to have exactly what she wanted, she was suddenly attacked with a case of shyness.

Although she’d peeked into his room in passing through the condo, she’d never actually walked in. The masculine furnishings were impressive, the large wooden furniture dominating the room.

She wasn’t a total innocent, but as she looked around, collecting herself, she had to admit another truth to herself. She hadn’t actually had sex since she’d found out she was pregnant. Ferdy hadn’t been her first, but the sex had begun to taper off after those initial halcyon days when they were first together and getting to know one another.

She’d obviously gotten pregnant, the outcome of a broken condom from an old pack in her bedside drawer, but they’d only had sex a few more times after that. After that she’d been so sick during the early days of her pregnancy that she’d begged off several events.

And then she’d gone on the run.

So here she was. With a new man and a body she wasn’t entirely sure what to do with. All the bravado she’d had in the kitchen faded at that reality.

“What is it?” Nikolas moved in close, the top few buttons of his shirt open at his throat where she’d managed to undo them on their walk to the bedroom. Dark hair was visible through the open shirt and she wasn’t sure she’d ever seen anything sexier.

“Nova, if you want to stop, we’ll stop. Now or any time.”

“I don’t want to stop.”

/> At the clear concern, Nova remembered her exchange with Marlowe that morning.

Is it fair to add on having designs on the man? I’ve got a large set of responsibilities on my own. It’s a lot for a guy to take in, is all.

Don’t you think Nikolas is capable of making that decision for himself?

It struck her in that moment just what Marlowe had meant. For all the responsibility she’d faced over the past year, very little of it had been the result of factors within her control. Because of that, she’d learned to control the things she could around the chaos. Her life. Her attitude. Even the slow and steady drive west had been another act of taking charge of her life.

It was fine to take responsibility for her own life, but in learning the lesson, she needed to do the same for others.

And assuming Nikolas didn’t know what he wanted was a bad place to start from.

“I don’t want to stop at all.”

He smiled down at her before bending his head and murmuring against her lips. “I don’t want to stop, either.”

True to his promise, he didn’t. From the slow drift to the bed, their clothes coming off one fascinating piece at a time, until the point he laid her down on top of the covers, Nova felt as if she were in a dream.

An erotic, amazing dream, but a dream all the same.