“Not at all, Ms. Anderson. I won’t waste any more of your time. I’ve gotten all I came for.”

The whirling dervish that had moved around her office in a rush of restless energy stilled. “And what was it you came for?”

“The truth.”

Chapter 15

“And what did she say then?” Nova had enjoyed the story, laughing throughout a late lunch in his office as Nikolas regaled her on his time with Micheline. She had hung on every last word of his story on the visit to the AAG, a mix of shock and humor lacing her questions.

“She said that she hoped I found inner peace.”

“What a strange woman.”

“Pretty much, but what else could she say?” Nikolas dug a piece of garlic bread out of their take-out bag as Nova finished grabbing plastic forks and knives from the second bag. “It was clear she wasn’t going to answer my questions about Ace.”

“Or working at Mustang Valley General.”

“Exactly. But it does reinforce the discussions I’ve had with Spencer. Even if Micheline Anderson isn’t part of this situation with Ace, she should be watched. Carefully.”

They settled into their seats in his office, using his desk as a table between them.

“Did you get any DNA?”

He finished chewing a bite of garlic bread. “Nope. She pulled out two bottles of water as if she’d have one with me, but never opened hers.”

“Damn it. That would have been the smoking gun right there. Then we’d know.”

“Which she has to know, too. If she is the one behind the switch in the hospital, and she was in the medical field, she’d have to know how easy it would be to do a DNA test.”

Nova let out a huge sigh as she spooned some baked ziti on her plate. “I just hoped you’d get something out of her.”

“I did meet one of her followers.”


“The woman who mans the front desk. She gave me the same sort of brainwashed vibe you got from that woman in the parking lot.”

“I sense a but in there.”

“Well, yeah. She seemed brainwashed, but not nearly as spacey as you described your girl. It was like there was this other person trying to get out.”

Nova’s gaze narrowed. “What other sort of person?”

“A normal, red-blooded woman.”

That gaze widened once more before Nova slammed a hand down on the desk. “Oh my God! You flirted with her!”

“I didn’t—” Nikolas felt the wash of flame sneak up his neck and onto his cheeks. “I mean, I didn’t—”

“You so did, but that’s beside the point. Did it work?”

“I’m not sure.”

“Why not?”

“Micheline came out and that was the last I saw of Leigh Dennings.”

Nova dug into her meal, her gaze thoughtful. “That’s one more thing about that place that just does not make sense.”