She waved a hand. “Names are a tie to the earthly plane, nothing more. Our spirits are bigger than names. Bigger than labels.”

Nova’s continued press about the incongruity of Micheline’s image in the ad struck him anew. He’d only been in her presence for a matter of minutes, yet here was a woman who knew what she was about and who understood the role she was playing.


“I appreciate your distinction, but I’m referring to the earthly plane at the moment.”

“What a waste.”

Nikolas ignored the interjection and pressed on. “Didn’t you have a son when you worked at Mustang Valley General?”

“It’s no secret I have a son. It’s an unfortunate reality that he and I are estranged.”


“Jake left home at seventeen. He and I have had very limited interaction since then.”

“So you basically haven’t spoken to your son in twenty-three years?”

Micheline’s mouth dropped into a frown and it was the first crack in the serene, powerful image she seemed determine to portray. “I find it curious you know so much. I’m afraid that once again, I’m feeling rather harassed by your visit and your line of questioning.”

“I’m sorry. It’s important I get answers for my client.”

“I’m quite sure whatever answers you’re seeking won’t be found here.”

“Maybe yes, maybe no. Harley Watts also worked for you.”

“Harley who?” Micheline’s smile was broad, her stare devoid of any recognition, but Nikolas would have bet his next year’s salary she knew exactly who he spoke of.

“This isn’t that large of a place. Surely you know all about the IT guy. You know the one? Recently arrested and even now sitting in a Mustang Valley jail cell?”

“I’m afraid I can’t comment on the personal lives of my employees. Even the ones no longer working here.”

Before he could question her further, Micheline was up from her desk and moving around the office. One by one, she pointed toward various affirmations, rattling off a personal story about what she’d learned from that particular phrase and how living by that had changed her life and those of the AAG members.

She was both entertaining and riveting, and in the act he could see how she’d done well for herself with the AAG. Nothing quite seemed to touch her. No suspicion of guilt. No accusation that would stick. Nothing seemed to penetrate the veneer of wellness being paramount.

It was fascinating, really. And in her impassioned speech he could see why she’d done so well with her business. Whatever else the AAG was—and he was already envisioning his report back to Spencer, free of charge—there was an enticing sales pitch here that had clearly captivated a lot of people for a very long time.

It was strange, certainly, yet at the same time, he recognized the act for what it was. A woman in the midst of self-protection, ensuring the dangers of the world remained at bay.

Wasn’t that what his mother had always done with his father? Taken him back so that she wouldn’t have to face the real ugliness of going out on her own.

Was that living?

Because suddenly, Nikolas had to acknowledge that he made similar choices. His weren’t about safety as much as about self-preservation. He’d watched his parents’ marriage combu

st on a powder keg of emotion and betrayal.

And he feared to ever risk himself in the same way.

Which said volumes about him and his own view of the world.

And which also kept him from giving fully into his feelings for Nova.

It was that knowledge that had him abruptly standing. The sudden movement and obvious end of the meeting added another crack in Micheline’s façade. Anger skirted the edge of her gaze as she stared at him from across the room.

“Mr. Slater? Is something wrong?”