And she wouldn’t. Because some way, somehow, in the midst of the chaos that was currently her life, Nova had found a friend. Despite all her confusion over Nikolas and her future, Nova took heart from that simple fact.

She wasn’t alone.

* * *

Nikolas made the last turn out of town to head up to the AAG. He nearly missed it, he was so wrapped up in the voice coming through the speaker in his car.

“Come on, Spencer. You can’t be serious.”

“When am I not serious?”

Nikolas knew that for the truth, the MPVD sergeant one of the most serious and dedicated cops he knew. “So you definitely think the AAG is a cult?”

“Yes. All this ridiculous good day stuff is like a sign. My team and I have had them on our radar for years but that marriage institute seminar Ainsley and Santiago attended added more proof. The members of the AAG are brainwashed. And when we do get our hands on one of them they stay locked up tight as a drum.”

“Like Harley Watts,” Nikolas pressed.

Spencer sighed, but didn’t question where Nikolas had gotten his information. “Exactly. The man’s not talking.”

Although much of what he’d uncovered so far suggested the same, Nikolas still wondered how the AAG had stayed off of everyone’s radar for so long. Heck, they’d even come into town a few months and played key roles in helping the recovery efforts after the earthquake that had hit this part of the state.

Loony and a little brain-washed, sure. But an actual cult?

“Look, man,” Spencer said. “Just be careful. I’m not crazy about you being there either, for the record. But I also know I can’t stop you.”

“I’m not working against you.”

“Yeah, I know. It still doesn’t mean I have to like it.”

“How about if I promise to fill you in after my visit?” Nikolas asked.


Nikolas disconnected the call as he drove up the long, sweeping road to the AAG center. For all the initial welcome, including the friendly face at the front gate and the pretty rose bushes that flanked the entrance, things changed quickly as you drove further inside.

Despite the flowers and seeming look of warmth and welcome, the campus had a compound-like feel. It made Nikolas think of Nova’s comments about the incongruity in the ad. That inconsistency played the same way on the actual property.

He’d spent the past week, in between looking into Ace’s whereabouts and giving Selina ongoing updates, figuring out his approach to Micheline Anderson. Spencer had reluctantly given his help and Nikolas knew much of that was because he actively worked to be a good partner to the MPVD. Spencer Colton didn’t pull any punches and if the man was looking for a way to catch Micheline Anderson and her enterprise, Nikolas knew he needed to be careful.

Because something rang false about the AAG’s owner and founder and it was time to find out why. Was it because she was the former Luella Smith? Or was she simply a bad seed who’d become conveniently tied to the mystery of Ace Colton’s birth? Since wondering about it was all he’d managed to do, Nikolas figured it was time for action.

If he could get a DNA sample from Micheline

while he was at it, he wasn’t above trying.

He’d called earlier that day to schedule his appointment and had stuck as close to the truth as he could. Yes, he was a private investigator with a practice in Mustang Valley. He was investigating the disappearance of a local resident and he believed there may be a connection with said resident and Micheline.

What he hadn’t expected was to get an invitation for that afternoon.

Again, was it brazen and brassy? Or stupid and misguided? Or did the woman really have nothing to do with what was going on down in town?

All questions he hoped to find answers to.

One thing he hadn’t questioned was the desire to keep Nova out of her orbit. They’d discussed it, and despite the fact she’d initially wanted to come along, she’d reluctantly agreed to stay away. He wasn’t above using the baby’s safety as a bargaining point to force the issue but it hadn’t come to that.

If Micheline was playing a dangerous game with Ace’s history, the last thing she needed was to know the man had a daughter and a soon-to-be-born grandchild in the mix. He’d gotten the added reassurance from Nova that she would stick close to the Coltons while he managed the rest of his investigation and it gave him a tiny measure of comfort that she was being looked out for and watched over.

Even if you should be the one watching over her.