In the end, it had been surprisingly easy to tell them all about Ferdy. About her run from New York and her zigzagging trip across the United States. Even about the fear that he’d find her somehow and come after her.

What hadn’t been easy, Nova realized, was to say goodbye.

She and her “aunts” had hugged in the large foyer of the Triple R, each promising to spend more time together. They’d also invited her to come stay at the ranch in the meanwhile, but she’d opted to take a rain check on that. She couldn’t take advantage of Nikolas’s kindness forever, but she didn’t feel it was right to just accept without talking to him.

Besides, leaving meant she wouldn’t see him as much, and despite the talking-to about the kiss, she wasn’t ready to give up on him.

Which was probably her most misguided decision of the evening but hey, a girl could dream.

“You’re quiet.” Nikolas made the turn into town, off the road that had taken them out to the Triple R.

“Just thinking.” Nova murmured the words.

“Tonight was a lot to take in.”

“It was. I thought the news earlier at Marlowe’s, that Ace wasn’t really a Colton, was the hard part to digest. Guess I was wrong.”

Nikolas hit the button for the gate to his underground parking lot. “I guess we were all wrong. Seems there’s a lot more going on under the surface than anyone really understood.”

He pulled around to his parking spot and cut the engine. She nearly had her door open when he laid a hand on her forearm, stilling her. “Are you really doing okay with this?”

“I have to be.”

“Nova. That’s not an answer.”

“What other answer can I have? It doesn’t really matter what I thought on the drive out here from New York. It doesn’t matter what idyllic image I had in my mind about finding my birth father. All of this is real. His blood connection to a crazy psycho. The fact that he’s not a Colton. I either accept it or I run away with my tail between my legs. And in case you haven’t guessed, I’m not particularly fond of doing the latter.”

He smiled at that, his expression the response she had hoped for in her attempts to lighten the mood. “You really are amazing.”

Without questioning herself, Nova leaned forward and pressed her lips to his. It was part need, part experiment, and she wasn’t going to apologize for it. For all his attempts to try and warn her off earlier, she wasn’t oblivious to the sparks that flared between them.

It was time to test them out. And oh boy, were they worth a spin.

The same fever that had gripped them earlier that day in the elevator took hold again, only this time, they had the space to leisurely explore each other. There was no rising elevator, and no elevator doors waiting to ding open and effectively end their kiss.

There was just the two of them, ensconced in the quiet of his car.

Her gamble paid off. Nikolas was as into the moment as she was, and it was a matter of heartbeats until his hand came up to rest at the base of her neck, his fingers drifting tantalizingly over her nape. The lips that she had fantasized about during dinner were strong and firm

, pressed against hers and reminding her of needs she had believed long dormant.

He ran his tongue along the seam of her lips and she opened for him, gasping at the firm pressure. Feelings pulsed through her, beating in time with her heart, caught in the rhythm that they made with each other. Her breasts, already heavy from her pregnancy, added the additional weight of desire as her nipples pressed against the cups of her bra.

Goodness, did this man know what he did to her?

How he made her feel?

The baby chose that moment to kick hard enough to bring a gasp to Nova’s lips.

“Are you okay?”

“I’m fine.” Although she didn’t exactly want to dismiss her child, it felt like a bit of a mood killer to tell the man you were kissing that your little alien had decided to get in on the fun.

The desire in his eyes was rapidly fading, replaced with concern. “Are you sure?”

“Yes, of course.”

Her little traitor kicked again and it was enough to have her drawing a breath, sucking air in between her teeth.