And Nikolas was more than willing to be consumed.

The elevator rose steadily to his floor but Nikolas was unaware of their movement. He was unaware of anything except for Nova.

He’d been so careful with this up to now. It wasn’t right to have feelings for a client. Even less right to act on them. And she was...vulnerable, in a way he’d never understand.

Or had never understood before.

Yet try as he might to pull away, the meeting of lips and the even more tantalizing mingling of tongues had him rooted to the spot. The hand she’d initially placed on his shoulder drifted up toward his head and he heard the softest moan as her fingers ran through his hair.

Somewhere in the steady blaze, they’d reached his floor and the elevator doors gave a light ding as they swung open. Nikolas lifted his head, that ding seeming to punctuate the moment.

What was he doing?

He shouldn’t be kissing her. And she shouldn’t be kissing him back. And they shouldn’t...

Nikolas took her hand and stepped off the elevator, effectively shutting down the quick rush to judgment that had sprung up in his mind.

He’d worry about this course of events later.

Right now, they needed to call Marlowe and get a plan together.

Nikolas opened his door and gestured Nova through. She still hadn’t said anything on the walk to his door from the elevator and neither had he. What was there to say?

I’m sorry.

That was great.

It won’t happen again.

No, no and hell no.

It was better to stay quiet and let the reality of kissing Nova Ellis live on in his mind. Besides, why would he jinx the opportunity to possibly do it again?

“I need to go get a few things from my desk. I’ll be right back.”

He didn’t wait for an answer but headed down the hall to his home office to grab a notepad and pen. They had discussed so much that he wanted to write it all down and see if anything jumped out at him.

It was only as he reached for a legal pad on his desk that he saw the notes he had left himself the night before.

Call hospital to check status on Payne Colton.

Update call to Selina Barnes Colton.

Consider man named Ferdy.

In the light of a new day, he was glad he hadn’t done a search for Nova’s ex. He wasn’t entirely sure why he’d held back last night, but he was very glad he’d left well enough alone. Nova needed someone she could trust with her secrets. He might not have demonstrated his trustworthiness earlier, but he was determined that would be a one-time slip.

She could trust him. And they would figure out what to do about this Ferdy fellow.


It was the one thing he could give her. That he could truly promise her. He’d keep his word.

Legal pad in hand, he headed back out to the kitchen. She offered up a wry little smile as she waved at him with an apple in her hand. “Sorry. I was hungry.” He thought he heard her add in a muttered voice, “I knew I should have had the fries.”

Holding back any suggestion he’d heard that last bit, he said, “Nothing to be sorry about. Anything in the house is yours. Please know that.”

“I do know that. Thank you.”