It humbled her, Nova realized, to have found such support. In her mother’s wildest dreams, telling Nova to go west to find her father could never have met with this outcome.

Only this was what she’d found. Support as high as the mountains that rose up outside the condo.

And quiet strength.

It really was all she needed. With that in mind, she stepped from the car. “Let’s go.”

Nikolas led the way inside. Nova took it all in, a few people out and about. Each going about their day, totally unaware that something monumental was happening in hers.

Nova marveled at it, and in a funny way, took heart from it, as well. The world would go on turning, no matter what the outcome of her visit with Marlowe Colton would be.

“They cleared us to go up.” Nikolas extended a hand toward the elevators. “After you.”

“This is quite fancy.”

“This is the palace of condos as far as Mustang Valley goes.”

“It’s beautiful.”

“Your father has a place here, too.”

“He does?”

“Yes. He hasn’t been seen here in a few weeks, though.”

Although it was an odd time for Nikolas to drop that news on her, there was a part of her that was grateful for the honesty. Once again, he’d proven that he wasn’t pulling any punches with her. Nor was he shading the truth.

But it did make her wonder yet again where her father was. Although everything inside of her rejected the idea that he was guilty of shooting Payne, it was hard to deny how suspicious it was to leave your home the way Ace had done.

She didn’t doubt he had a reason, but it was still hard to stop asking why.

It was only as they stepped off the elevator and walked down the hall to Marlowe’s apartment that Nova made a singular connection.

Her father was on the run. She was on the run. What were the odds of that?

More, she had her reasons and they were damn good ones.

Was she really going to stand here in judgment of her father, especially since she didn’t know what his reasons were?

No. No, she wasn’t.

Nikolas had barely knocked when the door swung open, a radiant blonde standing on the other side of the door, an infant asleep against her shoulder. “Nikolas. It’s so good to see you.”

“Marlowe.” Nikolas leaned in, pressing his cheek to the non-baby side before touching a light hand to the baby’s back.

The man who Nova assumed was Bowie stepped up behind his fiancé. He shook Nikolas’s hand. “Good to see you again, Slater.”

“Robertson.” Nikolas nodded, the last-name thing seemingly terms of respect between the two men, before he turned to the baby. “And this is the little guy, Reed. He does look like he’s feeling better.”

“Night and day,” Marlowe said, her voice low before she glanced toward the door. “Please. Come on in.”

Nova stepped forward, mesmerized by the sight before her. She knew she needed to say something but at the moment she was finding it a challenge to put one foot in front of the other.

Did she blurt out the news?

Did she keep it to herself?

Did she...