Nova stared up at the luxury condo building before Nikolas made the turn for underground parking. The Mustang Valley Mountains rose up behind them, setting the property off like a gleaming jewel in the bright sun.

“Marlowe lives here?”

“Sometimes. She keeps this place but also lives at Rattlesnake Ridge Ranch with her family.” Nikolas smiled ruefully, driving slowly toward the guest parking area. “Or the Triple R, as the locals love to call it, as if we’re in the know.”

Nova considered that news, memories of her mother’s descriptions of the large ranch house weaving through her mind. “That’s the big ranch my mother spoke of. They all live there?”

“They do. The town loves to talk about it like it’s something out of a movie. Three stories, with individual wings for all of the children, offset by thousands of acres of cattle ranch out their back door.”

“It sounds like quite a place.”

“I’ve been there for a few functions but haven’t gotten beyond the outdoor pool and entertaining areas.”

“It sounds impressive.”

“Impressive, and surprisingly warm. All the Colton siblings have made it their home, but Marlowe keeps the condo in town, too,” Nikolas said. “I suspect, no matter how large the house, a bit of distance from family is nice sometimes, too.”

“I suppose.”

Although her mother had never seen the Triple R, Allegra had spoken of it as if she’d imagined it in her dreams. Or, more to the point, imagined it through the eyes of her love. Ace had obviously told her a lot about his home in Mustang Valley and her mother had remembered some of the smallest of details.

The high wood beams and lush leather furniture in the main living area. The industrial-size kitchen that could house all of them for home-cooked meals. Even the ranch itself, thousands of acres and holding so many cattle.

It wasn’t until that moment that Nova realized how much she’d made Rattlesnake Ridge Ranch into something of her own personal Oz, waiting for her at the end of her journey, ready to solve all her problems.

Was it that easy?

It hadn’t been for Dorothy. In fact, it had been something of a mirage, ultimately sending her away and back to the place she’d begun.

Would that be her own fate? And the fate of her child? A round trip straight back to New York?

Nova rubbed the top of her belly, surprised her own pinging nerves hadn’t riled up the baby. Instead, after the morning activity in the kitchen, he or she had quieted, seeming to understand its mother’s focus needed to be elsewhere for a while.

As if the baby was ever far from her thoughts.

Nikolas pulled into a guest parking area and turned off the car. He shifted in his seat, turning to face her. “Are you ready for this?”

“As ready as I’m ever going to be.”

“We don’t have to do this.”

“I know. But I’ve come this far.”

“Yes, you have.” He reached out and took her hand. “You have come this far. But if we get inside and you change your mind, know there’s still time. I’m just going to introduce you as Nova Ellis. You decide if it goes any further.”


Nova laid her free hand over his and took heart from the gesture. From the simple connec

tion between them. Whatever came next, she would always be grateful for this man’s help. For the way he’d stepped in and given of himself when there was zero reason for him to do so.

“I’m ready. Let’s go.”

“Let me come around and open the door for you.”

She gave him that small moment and it was only as he leaned in and pulled the passenger door open that she saw a few nerves sparking in his eyes, as well.

It only reinforced how much he was doing for her. He did, after all, have a reputation to protect. A business to manage. Yet he’d still stepped in and helped her.