“What?” Nova asked.

Nikolas nodded toward the phone. “Your aunt. Prompt as ever.”

He answered, projecting an air of calm. “Good morning. How’s the baby doing?”

“Much better than yesterday. The new formula the doctor suggested was as good as advertised. Reed was able to settle and Bowie and I actually got a whole four hours of sleep.”

“That’s great. But, um—” Nikolas tried to reconcile her words with how happy she sounded “—only four?”

“Four is great. Four is freaking amazing,” Marlowe added. “So what’s up?”

Nikolas considered the idea that four hours of sleep was great and figured it might be better to introduce Nova and Marlowe to each other in person.

“I’ve got someone staying with me. A visitor to Mustang Valley. She’s pregnant, and I thought it might be nice to introduce the two of you.”

“Is she okay?”

“She’s fine, but she’s new to town and looking to find a doctor and a few other suggestions as she settles in. I thought you might be able to help.”

“I’m happy to. Why don’t you head over to the condo around noon and we’ll have some lunch?” She gave him the address.

“You don’t need to cook.”

Marlowe laughed at that. “Nikolas, my dear, sweet man. I’ve got every restaurant in Mustang Valley on speed dial. It’s no trouble at all.”

“Nova and I will see you then.”

“Nova. What a pretty name. I’m looking forward to meeting her.”

Nikolas disconnected the call and turned to see Nova waiting anxiously, her hands fisted at her sides as she stood beside the table. “We’re going over there?”

“Yes. For noon.”

“You didn’t tell her who I am.”

“That’s not the sort of news you tell over the phone.” Nikolas moved a few steps closer and laid a hand on her shoulder. “Not if you can help it.”

“That’s a lot to lay on a new mother.”

“It’s a lot to lay on anyone. But you’ve lived with it for almost a year. You’ve held up okay.”

Nova laid a hand on top of his, squeezing his fingers. “I have no idea how I looked up and saw your sign. Or why. But I can’t tell you how grateful I am that I did.”

She squeezed his hand once more before turning and heading back toward the bedroom. As Nikolas watched her go, he considered her words.

It was interesting she had found his sign. That she had picked him.

He’d never been one to believe in fate or destiny or anything remotely smacking of the woo-woo stuff. But he did believe in the fundamental intersection of people. The events that shaped lives and the experiences no one could ever anticipate.

Unbidden, the notepad on the desk in his office filled his mind’s eye.


He wondered who the man was.

But at the trust he’d seen reflecting back from Nova’s gaze, Nikolas was glad he hadn’t done more than wonder.

Chapter 8