“Marlowe’s his half sister and she’s also about eight years younger.”

“Which means she’s just starting her family, too.” Nova stared down at her stomach. “Her son will be a bit older than my child. Maybe they can grow up together.”

Nikolas knew his adult extracurricular relationships had been just that. Fully adult with little beyond the extra. But something about sitting there with Nova, watching the sheer awe at what was happening to her, got to him in a place he’d believed long buried.

“The Coltons protect their family.”

“Assuming Marlowe and Ainsley and the rest of the Coltons are willing to welcome me. Based on the gossip about Ace, he’s not a Colton. Which means I’m not, either.”

“Let’s take it step-by-step first.”

Nikolas dialed Marlowe’s number, the call going to voice mail after four rings. He left a quick message and considered if he should reach out to Ainsley next when a text came winging back from her younger sister.

Sorry I didn’t pick up. Colicky baby and sleepless mama. Talk tomorrow?

Nikolas shot back a quick note of agreement. While he was hesitant to show up at a new mother’s front door with the emotional news of Nova’s paternity, he was even less willing to drop any whispers of family drama via text message.

Hope the little guy’s doing okay. Tomorrow works. I’ll call in the morning to confirm a time.

“The baby’s a little out of sorts,” he said after he hit Send on the message.

Nova sat forward, her attention on the phone Nikolas had already laid back on top of his desk. “Is he okay?”

“Colic sounds like it’s having its way with little Reed.”

“Poor baby.” Nova stood to pace once more. “Maybe we shouldn’t bother her with this now.”

“I think it’ll be fine.”

“Yeah, but she’s obviously occupied. And the baby needs to get better. I can get settled in and we can try this again in a few weeks.”

Nikolas stood and crossed the room, intercepting her on her next path back across the carpet. Settling his hands on her shoulders, he stared directly into her eyes, keeping his voice calm and even. “Nova. It’s fine. She and the baby are having a day. She already said we’d talk tomorrow and she’ll probably be calling first thing tomorrow before I even have a chance to.”

“Okay. I know I’m being flighty about this. I just didn’t realize until now how badly I wanted it all to work out.” Her voice quieted. “Because the reality of it is suddenly so close and within reach.”

Nikolas knew much of his success as a private investigator came from his ability to get people to talk to him. It was a gift he’d had since he was a small child but it wasn’t something he’d really given much thought to. Beyond recognizing that he used the skill to garner a nice paycheck, he’d never considered it as a way to get others to open up.

But now, looking at Nova, he wanted to comfort her.

To say the things that would put her at ease.

“Marlowe and Ainsley have had their challenges too, you know.”

“How is that possible? They come from such a prominent family. They know they’re Coltons.”

“That knowledge doesn’t always bring security or well-being, nor does it guarantee a smooth life. Things have turned out well for Marlowe now, especially with the baby’s arrival, but she went through a very difficult time earlier this year.”

“What happened to her?”

Just as she had at the news baby Reed was having a tough day, compassion threaded through Nova’s tone and sparked even more deeply within her green gaze.

“In addition to watching her father languish in the hospital in and out of a coma, with no understanding of who shot him, she also went through some personal trauma back in January.”

“That’s horrible.”

Again, Nikolas didn’t miss Nova’s sincere concern, but he did question what other secrets she carried.

Just like how she hadn’t once mentioned a boyfriend or a husband all day. No reference at all to who her baby’s father might be. It was a mystery, for sure, and one Nikolas wanted to get to the bottom of.