“Come on, Nova. Be straight with me.”

Did she dare? Because there was no way to talk about her situation and lack of ready cash if she didn’t talk about Ferdy. She’d deliberately not used a credit card or her ATM card since those texts that had turned threatening, for fear he’d have some sort of tracker on her.

And it had worked, hadn’t it? Despite her constant vigilance, she hadn’t seen him or any of his colleagues. Even if she couldn’t stop looking over her shoulder or avoiding talking too long to random strangers she met.

You can’t run forever.

Empirically, she knew that. She did have savings, as well as the money her mother had left her but refused to access anything for fear of discovery. She wasn’t destitute and she’d already figured she’d finally have to give in and do something about money when she went to the hospital to deliver the baby.

But for now...

For now she wanted that continued protection of staying off the grid.

You’re Ace’s daughter.

That additional truth—especially if her father’s family accepted her—could mean all the difference. Whatever Ferdy Adler was into back in New York, he’d be hard-pressed to come after her and the baby if she had the protection of one of the most powerful families in Arizona.

Add on a new name and a new life, and he might not even ever find her.

Nikolas still stared at her expectantly and she finally relented slightly. “I do have a way to take care of myself, but I don’t have ready access to my finances at the moment.” Determined, she continued to brazen it out. “I’m okay overall.”

“But not tonight?”

She thought about all the places she’d found jobs along the drive out to Arizona and knew that she’d find something else. She might not get it in the quaint town of Mustang Valley, but she’d find something not too far away. Diners always needed waitstaff. She’d find something to keep her going for the next few weeks while she considered what to do about Ace and his family.

While she went back to regular work and steady meals to keep her and the baby nourished and fed and her mind determinedly off the mess she’d left back in New York.

“Nova, come on. Do you have a place to stay tonight?”

“I will.”

“What does that mean?”

“It means I stopped off to talk to you before I continued on with my other plans today. I’m looking for work.”

“Which won’t pay you in time to shore up a hotel room.”

She ment

ally crossed her fingers and hoped she’d get to work the dinner shift right away to pocket some tips. “I’ve got a little. I’ll get by.”

“Why aren’t you being straight with me?”

“Why are you pushing this with me? You don’t know me. You certainly don’t have to worry about my problems.”

Even though it was nice that he did.

Whatever else Nikolas Slater might be, she hadn’t gotten even the slightest indication that he was a jerk. Or that he’d try to take advantage of her.

It didn’t mean she could drop her guard.

After their first date she’d have said the same about Ferdy and look how that turned out.

“Tell you what. I’ll make you a deal.”

“What’s that?”

“I’ll go with you while you look for work. I need to do some errands around town anyway, so it’s not out of my way. If you find a job, I’ll back off. If you don’t, you play it my way and take my guest room tonight.”