His blood turned cold. “That matters to you?” Of course it did.

She came from money and surely expected the people around her to be in the same league. By all reports, she’d earned a fortune herself during her modeling years. Just last night, she’d openly confessed that she’d appreciated her ex-husband’s financial success, which had added to her net worth by marriage. Naturally, a man like him, a typical working cowboy with a middle-class bank balance, wasn’t good enough.

“I couldn’t figure out why I’ve never heard of you or seen you with your cousins,” she said, dodging his question.

Their blood relation was not even close enough for the triplets to be called distant cousins, according to Payne.

“Why would you have heard of me?” Her stratospheric social circle wasn’t even within sight of his. He resented the old hurt and sense of inadequacy that came bubbling to the surface. He’d really thought he was past this.

“Mustang Valley is a relatively small town.” She peered at him through her lashes. “It’s not like being a Smith with an address in Los Angeles or New York City.”

“I’ll have to take your word.” He wasn’t well traveled; aside from a wild weekend in Cabo San Lucas, he hadn’t been anywhere more exotic than Las Vegas.

“We’re only a couple of years apart.”

“Make your point, Mia.” He couldn’t take much more. Wanting a woman who was making it crystal clear she’d never have lowered herself to speak with him under normal circumstances. He’d been infatuated, instantly attracted and she’d merely been in need. He was dangerously close to beating himself with that stick she kept by the door. He’d liked the woman he’d met in the warming hut, but maybe that just wasn’t the real Mia Graves.

She settled back on the chair, the baby resting on her shoulder. “Why did you change careers so drastically?”

“It was time for a change.” He forced the words through clenched teeth and gracelessly changed the subject. “Once it’s dark, I’ll hike back to your car and use that for as long as you choose to stay here.”

“Why, Jarvis?”

“Because you need transportation,” he said, purposely misunderstanding her question. He didn’t owe her his life story or detailed explanations. Maybe once people saw him in Mia’s car, Regina would be pushed to do something to incriminate herself.

Mia glared at him. He didn’t think she realized how sexy that expression was. She definitely didn’t know how it heated his blood. “You’ll have the truck whether you like it or not,” he added. “It’s the smart move.”

She patted the baby’s back gently while she sipped at her milkshake. “What about Selina? You can’t take her to a party at my father’s house in my car.”

“She told me I’m driving her car.”

“Told you...” Mia cocked her head, then burst into merry laughter. The baby flailed his hands happily in response. They were the cutest pair. And cute had never been one of his goals or interests.

“I won’t go if it bothers you,” he said. Irritated as he was, he wouldn’t like himself if he purposely did something to upset her.

“I’d think it would bother you to be objectified and used,” she said.

“Says the supermodel.”

“Former less-than-super model,” she corrected him. “Who knows what she’s talking about.”

“I don’t care what Selina or Regina or anyone else thinks of me. If I go, I’ll be in the house. I can talk to your stepmom, search for something useful, warn your dad. Whatever you need.”

“And if Regina catches you, you’re in danger.”

“I’m not as fragile as I look,” he joked. Humor was his safe zone during sticky conversations. Better to joke than let out any ugly or real feelings. “Take your time and think about it. I can cancel.”

“Not if you want any peace,” Mia pointed out.

“Let me worry about it.” He picked up his milkshake and turned to watch the horizon. “I can handle Selina better than most.”

* * *

“I bet you can,” Mia quipped. “She’d probably enjoy it if you handled her.” In Selina’s shoes, Mia would delight in being handled by Jarvis. Good grief, she had to get a handle on these wayward thoughts and hormones. She hadn’t felt this kind of wild, uncontrollable attraction in...ever.

He shot her another annoyed glance, as if he had hard things to say and he didn’t think she could bear to hear them. She’d offended him somehow. Unable to pinpoint her error, she didn’t know exactly how to smooth it over. She really should let him be the one to worry about that shark in designer clothing. There were more important people for her to worry about. She finished off her milkshake and tried to find a lighter topic of conversation while Silas dozed in her lap.

The weather was trite and she didn’t know enough about cattle to carry that subject. “You should go to the party,” she said, cycling back to pertinent matters. “I’ll think about it and let you know where to look for anything incriminating in the house. Though, if Selina’s agenda is to rub you in Regina’s face, she likel