“Good evening, everyone.” Holden sat down in front of his laptop, unable to move as Bella spoke.

“It’s been a dark journey for our pageant, and for all of Mustang Valley, as well as Arizona, as we’ve endured the threat of a vicious criminal. But unlike the sad endings we’

re seeing too much of these days, there is a happy ending for Ms. Mustang Valley. For all of us. And there is peace of mind for the surviving victims of this awful killer.”

Bella went on to talk about how she’d entered the pageant looking for information on her best friend’s struggles with bulimia and major depression, but instead found a community of strong, intelligent women who fostered empowerment she’d never felt before.

“I’ve picked a poem to read for my talent. Some of you might know it; it’s by a journalist from a long time ago but still holds true today. Its title is ‘To Jennie’ but for me, it’s ‘To Gio.’”

To Jennie

Good-bye! a kind good-bye,

I bid you now, my friend,

And though ‘tis sad to speak the word,

To destiny I bend

And though it be decreed by Fate

That we ne’er meet again,

Your image, graven on my heart,

Forever shall remain.

Aye, in my heart thoult have a place,

Among the friends held dear,-

Nor shall the hand of Time efface

The memories written there.



“S.L.C. was Samuel Langhorne Clemens, also known as Mark Twain. I want to add that I’ve learned one other thing these past weeks. True love comes in many forms, but when it does, it’s unmistakable and always worth fighting for. Thank you.

She looked straight into the camera as applause boomed over the audio and while Holden couldn’t make out her exact expression, dang the low-quality feed, he didn’t have to.”

He heard Bella. He’d figured out some things himself over the course of the pageant investigation. Bella wasn’t his ex, and she was a woman of integrity. Her reporting reflected that.

And he realized he’d never make it without her. But he had to get this case wrapped, and see if he could get moved to the Tucson Resident Office. If not, they’d work out the commute between Phoenix and Mustang Valley. Whatever it took.

“Trust me, babe. I couldn’t agree more.” He knew it was silly, speaking to Bella’s image on the television, but it made him feel that much closer to beginning the rest of his life with her.

The last remaining piece of the puzzle would be to see if she agreed to his plans.

* * *

Bella waited onstage with the other contestants while the finalists were named. She wasn’t surprised to not be amongst the final five, and waited with anticipation as it came down to Marcie and Leigh, who held hands center stage.

“And this year’s Ms. Mustang Valley is...” The winner of last year’s contest stood at the podium, hands shaking as she tore open the sparkling, large gold envelope, another Selina touch.

“Leigh Dennings!”