“Do you hear it?”

She stilled her breathing and tried to tune out her rapid heartbeat. Fearful of hearing heavy footsteps, she almost missed it. But then, through her fears and reaction to this man, she heard it.


“A pygmy owl.” She’d memorized the birdcalls years ago, for the article she had mentioned to Holden earlier.

“Yes. With juveniles. Listen.” Sure enough, after the mother or father’s long call, tiny, more “chirpy” sounds split the silence. Relief rushed in, followed by something she’d never been able to grasp no matter how long she’d ever dated a single person.


* * *

It was too easy. Did they think they couldn’t be followed, found, wherever they went? It would be easier if she were alone but no worries. He’d taken out other men who thought they were protecting the women, too.

They weren’t in the house, which was a shame. He’d been able to break through the MVPD patrols with little trouble, once night fell. The feed from the camera he’d put over her bathroom window had disappeared, and he figured the police got it since he didn’t see it from the perimeter of the property. He couldn’t get close enough right now, but as soon as he knew they were back in the house, together, he’d get her.

And she’d pay for running away tonight.

* * *

The next morning Bella’s phone woke her before dawn and she automatically answered, thinking it was one of her brothers. Holden had resumed his position on her sofa after they’d returned, assuring both of them that MVPD had her house under a basic lockdown. There was no safer place for her at this point.


“Quit the pageant. You’re in over your head.” The same distorted voice that she’d heard before her world went dark in the staff room, backstage. Wide awake now, she bolted from her bed and moved in the darkness out of her room, into the hall and into Holden’s granite physique.

“Who is it?”

She continued to listen, but the caller had disconnected.

“It was the same person as before. They hung up.” Trembling began and, to her consternation, deepened in intensity. “It—it—it was him.”

“Shh.” He pulled her into his arms, held her tight. “You’re safe. I’m here.”

“I used to be so tough, but now I’m a puddle after a stupid prank call.”

“Hey, you’re not out of line to be afraid. This call wasn’t just another crank call, but from a lethal killer. I’ll have my handler see if he can get anything from the phone company.”

“Thanks, that’s reassuring me about now.” She smiled through the tears that ran down her face, her reaction to anger and frightening circumstances. She let his shirt absorb her tears, and didn’t feel an ounce of guilt about it. It was safe, here in Holden’s arms. “Sorry, I’m an odd duck when it comes to expressing my emotions. When I get really angry, I cry, which can come across as being overly emotional. The same thing happens when I’m afraid. But when Gio died, I couldn’t muster a tear for days, weeks even.”

“It was too deep. The hurt. I get it.” He kept holding her and she heard his heartbeat since one ear was pressed against his chest. His breathing slowed, deepened. He let out a long sigh. “When Spencer and I were serving, we saw a lot. I’m not sure how much he’s told you.”


nough. He’s told Jarvis more, I think, because both of them have always felt more protective of me than each other. They’re not being jerks or misogynists, just good brothers.”

She felt him nod, and his embrace tightened reassuringly. “If Jarvis is anything like Spencer, then yes, it’s because they care very much for you.”

“So during your work with the FBI, what have you seen that bothered you the most?”

He shifted next to her, as if seeking more contact. “Most cases aren’t as bad as you might imagine. But when they are, they’re rough. Anything involving kids is pretty much the worst. Sometimes I hit emotional overload. I know I’m there when I can’t compartmentalize or shove down the horror. I’ve cried like a baby more than once.”

“That’s crying like a man, Holden. Accepting life on life’s terms, even when it’s awful.”


They stood in silence for several minutes, and to Bella it was as if they’d always been here. Together.