“I mean it.” Marlowe put a hand on her forearm. “We may not see one another very much but we’re all still family.”

“Agreed.” Ainsley nodded. “As a matter of fact, wouldn’t it be nice if we made this happen on purpose? Meeting each other, I mean.”

“It’d be lovely to have you up to the Triple R.” Marlowe pulled out her phone.

“That sounds good.” Bella figured they’d never really want to hang with her. She was from the wrong-side-of-the-track part of the Coltons, the sister of triplets whose parents had left the clan years before their untimely deaths. Still, she went through the motions of exchanging contact information before they said goodbye.

When she slid back into her seat, she discovered Holden’s plate was empty and her food cold.

“You okay?” His gaze was full of concern, and that muscle tic on the side of his jaw was jumping around. “I was about to come knock on the door.”

“I’m good. I ran into two distant cousins.”

“Oh? Did they have some dirt on Selina for you?”

And they were right back where the conversation ended, when she’d needed to leave the table.

“I have no idea. I didn’t ask.” She sipped her water. “I’m not against helping an ongoing investigation. In fact, I think that reporters and LEAs do their best work when it’s together. Take the robberies we had in Mustang Valley a few years back. I usually am assigned to write fluffier lifestyle pieces, about homes and lives of the more affluent residents. But I was able to convince my editor that exposés on the victims of the crimes, detailing how hard they’d worked to get where they were, would be popular to our readers. Everyone wants to know about their neighbors, especially if it’s perceived they’re living the ‘better’ life. While interviewing one particular family, it came to light that the husband had an estranged stepbrother who was actively addicted to opiates. Since two bottles of painkillers were part of the stolen goods, it allowed MVPD to connect the dots and figure out who the thieves were.”

“That’s unusual, Bella. You know better than I do how rare it is for law enforcement to work with the media.”

“You’re wrong, Holden. Maybe with bigger agencies like the FBI it’s not common, but at the local, small-town level, everyone works together to make things happen.”

“You may be right.” He motioned to her plate. “Are you going to finish that?”

She sighed. “I’ve lost my appetite, frankly.”

“You need to eat if you’re going to have another rehearsal later today.”

“I’ll get something at home.” But the thought of returning to her house filled her with anxiety. It was usually her refuge and now, even with police presence and Holden, it was more like a prison. “Don’t take this wrong, Holden, but I’m not keen on going back to the house.”

“I don’t blame you, but you’re safe there, Bella. I won’t let anything happen to you.”

“It’s not that. It’s the reality of a serial killer, a monster, being so close to me, to where I live and breathe.”

“We don’t have to go straight back. When’s your next video practice session?”

“Eight tomorrow morning.” Selina had said she’d meet with them again after they had time to rest and study the routines she’d dealt out this morning.

“It’s not even sundown yet. We’ve got some time.”

“For what?”

“It’s a surprise.”

* * *

Holden liked how he’d gotten a smile out of Bella when he’d told her their destination was a surprise. She’d been far too serious when she’d returned to the table. Truth be told, he knew it was his staunch dislike of reporters that had put her in the foul mood.

Would it have killed you to go easier on her?

No, it wouldn’t have killed him but if he wasn’t on that sharp edge of awareness that a case like this necessitated, her life would be at risk.

He glanced at her as he drove onto the highway, heading west. She sat relaxed against the seat, her eyes closed. He hoped the AC and lull of the drive had put her in a decent nap. It was so hard to tell with Bella—her moods and bearing changed with the wind.

And dang it if he didn’t love every bit of the challenge of keeping up with her.

“Why are you staring at me? Keep your eyes on the road,” she murmured in a sleepy voice and he grinned.