His face stilled and she saw it as a warning sign. A red flag that she was encroaching his offensive.

“You have to have a passion to do your job.”

“A passion? I see it more as the desire for the truth. Always the truth, no more, no less.”

“At any cost?”

“That’s an odd question. It depends on what the story is. The pageant story, yes, I feel I’m willing to do whatever it’ll take, because Gio gave her all to this system, in the worst way. Now, if I can glean some dirt on

Selina in the process, you bet I’ll take it and run with it. But Selina Barnes Colton isn’t worth staying in the pageant for. Definitely not worth being stalked by a serial killer.”

His face had turned to stone, reminding her of the sandstone cliffs she enjoyed hiking whenever she escaped north to Vermilion Cliffs National Monument. At least the cliffs reflected the setting sun. Holden revealed nothing. Wherever his thoughts had gone was a dark place.

The waitress took their orders and they remained quiet as their drinks—sparkling water for her and a cola drink for him—were placed on the bistro-style table that was covered with a white tablecloth, a nice touch in an otherwise casual dining atmosphere.

“Do you have any idea when we’ll go back to the school?” She ran her fingers on her sweating tavern glass.

He shook his head. “It’s up to MVPD to give the all clear. They’re working with us, of course, and I don’t anticipate it’ll take much longer.”

“I’d imagine it’ll be a mess, from the explosion.”

“Naw. It looked bigger than it was. The explosive was very small—it was how and when it was detonated that made it so scary, and loud. The tear gas was for added effect but didn’t damage anything in the vicinity.”

“Yet if any of us had been closer it could have killed us.”

“Getting hit by the locker door, yes, technically it could have injured you. But the tear gas was the real weapon. And surprise.”


They changed the topic to less lethal topics, to include what each planned to do when the case was closed, the killer caught.

“I need some time out in the desert, under the stars.” Holden had a dreamy expression on his face.

“You mean, away from Phoenix?”

“Yes. I enjoy being on my own, backpacking through state and national parks. There’s too much light pollution in Phoenix to enjoy the night sky.”

“I get that. I like to birdwatch, and the desert is a great place to do it. I’m lucky I can watch as much as I do from my back patio. But I hear you on the hiking—it’s great to exercise while soaking up nature.”

“Have you ever camped?”

“Out in the wilderness, like you? No.” She met his gaze and his intent was unmistakable. Holden meant, had she ever made love in the night, under the stars. Heat pooled between her legs as she imagined sharing a sleeping bag with him.

“I’d love to take you with me sometime.”

“Well, that might not be for a bit, considering we have a killer to catch, right?”

Holden didn’t answer but kept his smoldering gaze on her, promising pleasure without even touching her.

She welcomed the arrival of their food, wanting a distraction from the memories. It wasn’t enough that she and the other contestants, save for Becky, had made it out all right. She would not rest until the killer was caught.

“Spencer wants me to get an undercover agent to fill in for you.”

“No way.” She chewed her food, pointed her fork at Holden. “You know me well enough to figure out my body language. If I think I’m in trouble, I’m going to let you know. And this killer is smart, or they wouldn’t have gotten away with two previous murders and all the crimes around them.”

At his stunned look, she grinned. “I’ve been doing my own research, Holden.”

“Clearly.” He took a bite of his sea bass and she watched his Adam’s apple bob with each swallow, saw the stamp of masculinity in his strong jawline. Her lips tingled with the memory of kissing that very line of bone, using her tongue to make him groan with desire.