It was a different way to work a case when he cared about someone he was supposed to be protecting.

He cared.

Did he care for Bella or would he feel the same about any woman he was attracted to right now?

“So you know that AAG is dangerous, Holden?”

“I do. I’ve warned Bella to be careful around Leigh, who seems very nice and welcoming, but—”

“But you know she’ll suck the spirit out of you and she shares everything she’s told and overhears with her superiors in the group. It’s creepy at best, a cult at worst. I don’t want Bella anywhere near her.” Spencer sounded like the protective brother he was.

“Near who?”

Bella’s voice came from the back patio, where she stood with two iced glasses of water.

“Is your rehearsal session over?” Holden smiled his thanks as he took the large tumbler, gulping down the cold nectar.

“Answer my question. Who were you talking about?” When Holden didn’t reply, she focused on her brother. “Spencer?” Their sibling bond was evident, as was her irritation at her brother for not speaking up.

Holden had served alongside Spencer Colton and trusted him with his life. He’d never seen Spencer as much as blink in the face of danger. Yet he appeared to have hit a wall—his sister.

“I can’t talk about an active investigation.”


Green eyes he’d seen lit from within as he moved inside her, bringing her to a second climax, looked at him with exasperation. And a hint of warmth that hadn’t been there a day ago. “Let me guess. You’re talking about Leigh.”

Holden exchanged a glance with Spencer.

Bella rolled her eyes. “I already know you’re investigating AAG, Spencer. They’ve come up at Mustang Valley Gabber more than once. It’s hard to miss an always-positive, be-your-best-you kind of group when it shows up in our small town. Spit out whatever else you know, Spencer.”

“I don’t know anything new, unfortunately. But that doesn’t mean you can trust Leigh. I wish you’d quit this ridiculo

us pageant.” Spencer wiped his brow and Holden felt the sweat pouring down his back. They needed to move this inside soon.

“As long as you intend to remain in the pageant, Bella, you need to be very careful around her. We don’t know her motives.” Holden knew Bella didn’t like anyone telling her what to do, but he had to be honest with her.

“I used to think the way you both do, about Ms. Mustang Valley. About all beauty pageants. But they’re not all about looks when they have scholarships available, and when there are more scores in relation to talent and essays and answering questions.” A red blush highlighted her smooth skin, her determination etched on her expression.

“Sounds like you’ve been drinking some Ms. Mustang Valley drink that’s brainwashed you, sis.” Spencer wasn’t moved by his sister’s beauty.

“That’s not fair, Spence, and you know it. I’m the biggest skeptic of all three of us.” Holden instinctively knew she wasn’t referring to him but to her brother Jarvis, Spencer and herself. “But since I’ve gone through the application process and have made it to the contestant phase, I’ve seen different sides of the pageant.”

“Such as?” Spencer’s incredulity was hilarious but Holden thought better of laughing aloud while the siblings were hashing it out.

“The women competing for the scholarship really need it. They are doing this to better themselves, Spencer. It’s no different than when you and I fought like heck to get into college and then to find a way to pay for it.”

“Except we didn’t have to parade around in a bikini to get our scholarships, or suck up to a bunch of tight-lipped snobs.”

“No, we didn’t, but we knew we had other options, and it worked out for us the first time around. It doesn’t happen for a lot of people, Spencer. Definitely not the initial time they apply.” Bella’s passion stirred a deep longing in Holden. For a partner, sure, but for more. Something lasting.

“You may be right.” Holden couldn’t tell if Spencer didn’t want to upset Bella any more or if he really was believing her. He suspected it was a combination of both. “But you still need to be very careful around Leigh. She’s associated with a dangerous group, and that makes her a suspect.”

“You don’t think she’s a murderer, do you? And are we sure there’s a murderer or are we talking more of someone who gets off on scaring and injuring people? I know the DNA proved the other two murders are linked, but maybe we don’t have the same person here.”


“Serial killer.”