“Yes.” Her head tilted slightly and revealed the length of her neck that her ponytail bared. She’d put the long locks up before they came in the diner and he longed to see her hair down around her shoulders again.

Definitely not a thought an FBI agent should be entertaining during a lethal investigation.

“You sound like you were surprised.”

“Of course I was! You were there—didn’t it seem a little bizarre, to have the other contestants see my interview, watch for my weaknesses, yet give a big show of support?”

“No.” His one-syllable reply sounded harsh and even though it wasn’t his concern, he wanted her to know that he understood her observations. He’d had them, too. “Yes, the fact that they were so ready to cheer you on seemed odd to me, when only one person is going to win that scholarship. Which, may I observe, is a hefty amount of change. It’s local, a community college, but still, that’s got to be worth at least several thousand dollars.”

She named the figure without hesitation and a warmth lit his insides. Bella wasn’t a fly-by-night reporter or blogger; she’d done her homework.

“It’s enough to either pay for the full four years at Mustang Valley Community College, MVCC, or at least four semesters at the closest Arizona state school.”

“I did find it odd that you were in financial straits after working in your field for so long.” He didn’t want to give away how much he knew about reporters, not to this beautiful woman who didn’t remind him one bit of his ex, save for her job description. He still felt foolish that he’d allowed his ex, Nicole, to lead him on for as long as she had, all for a story.

“I’m not in bad financial straits, not really.” She grinned. “I’m not stupid. If they research my earnings over the last two years they’ll see a significant drop-off from the Mustang Valley Gabber—like all newspapers and blogs, we’re struggli

ng. I’ve relied on extra freelance work beyond my full-time Gabber position, and it’s enabled me to put a good amount in savings over the last five or six years.”

“Any reason why?”

She shrugged. “Why not? I’m single and I came up with enough to put a down payment on a house. My mortgage is manageable and I live pretty simply.”

He couldn’t help check out her clothes, still the same striped top and white pants from earlier. The sparkling jewelry. She seemed as though she was doing more than getting by paycheck to paycheck.

“Hey, don’t judge me on how I appear now. Or how I looked earlier—it’s been a rough day, right?” She let out a throaty laugh and he felt it shoot right to his crotch.

Yeah, working with Bella Colton was going to be a challenge. Not the working part—the keeping it to business only piece.

“I have to ask how far you’re willing to go for your writing, Bella.”

“What do you mean? Haven’t I already showed you I’m willing to do just about anything to get the answers I want?”

“Are you willing to have me protect you, offer to be your bodyguard, for the duration of the pageant?”

“Sure. I mean, that’s why we’re meeting here and now, right? To agree to share information.”

“I need more from you, Bella. I can’t let you out of my sight until we apprehend the suspect.”

“I’m not going to your hotel room with you. So where will you stay?” She was so determined, and he found her independence incredibly sexy. But as he took in her beauty he didn’t miss the bright red highlights in her hair—bullseyes to the killer.

“No, you’re not coming to the hotel with me.” She’d figure out his intention to not leave her side soon enough. “I’ve been hotel hopping, up until the last couple of days, as I’ve spent more time in Mustang Valley.” He wasn’t going to share that he was a naturalist who counted a night under the stars with no edifice to block them more luxurious than the swankiest hotel on the planet. He’d be able to keep her safe in a tent.

She nodded. “Makes sense. So that no one catches on to your routine. You’re the one who’s supposed to be determining patterns, right?”


“We’ll exchange phone numbers, and I’ll text you each time I leave my house, and tell you where I’m going.” She pulled out her phone and her fingers hovered over the face. “Give me your number and I’ll call, then we’ll have one another’s info.”

He went along with it, until his phone vibrated, her number illuminating. The buzz went farther than his hand where he held his cell but he’d worry about his attraction to her later. He had to keep Bella Colton safe.

“There you go.” She slid her purse onto her shoulder. He reached out and stilled her by touching her forearm.


She stared at him and when their eyes met the claws of her searching need reached him in places he didn’t know he’d opened to her. Bella wasn’t just another woman or citizen he was trying to protect. There was something more between them. Something he’d been missing in his life for a long time.

“You keep asking me to slow down, Agent St. Clair. I’m concerned you’re not going to be happy until I stop my investigating entirely.” He heard the threat in her words. Not a frivolous barb, but a show of her steely strength, the determination to do right by her best friend.