Chapter 16

The following day passed slowly with no new developments. That evening, once the dogs had been fed and settled for the night, they ate at the kitchen table.

“Goodness, you must be hungry,” Katrina commented when she saw how fast Spencer was consuming his meal.

“No. I just want to finish eating quickly so I can take you to bed.”

She gasped, then started to laugh. “I appreciate your honesty.”

He leaned across the table to kiss her. “I want that to happen a lot. All the time.”


“This feeling that I have to finish my food quickly so I can make love to you. The first time was wonderful. Last night was equally perfect, but I’ll never be able to get enough of you.”

“Oh.” She wasn’t sure exactly what he was saying, but his words had a permanent ring to them that she liked the sound of. Right now, she was more focused on the gleam in Spencer’s eyes and his delicious kisses. “I’m finished eating now.”

As he got to his feet and held out his hand, heat raced through her body. When they reached the bedroom, Spencer pulled her tight against him, running his hand up and down her spine. “I’ve been thinking about this all day.”

“Me, too.” She melted against him with a sigh.

“In that case, I think we should get rid of these clothes.”

Within minutes, they had both discarded their garments and were lying on the bed. Spencer moved to lie between Katrina’s thighs, then smoothed a warm palm along her body from shoulder to hip. After a few minutes, when she was totally relaxed beneath his touch, he began to stroke along the inside of one thigh.

When his fingers found her, she jerked with a combination of pleasure and surprise. His touch was magical, instantly making her whole body melt with desire.

“I want you now,” she murmured.

The look in his eyes was a perfect balance between vulnerability and strength. He reached for the condom he’d placed on the nightstand and quickly sheathed himself. After pushing apart her thighs, he placed a hand beneath her and lifted her to him. Pressing up against her, he dipped into her briefly, then pulled back.

Desperate for more, Katrina wriggled her hips closer, wrapping her legs tight around his hips. Tilting up her pelvis, she reached a hand between them and guided him to her. Spencer’s breathing changed, and when she looked up, his gaze was bright on her face.

He entered her so slowly she thought she might pass out from anticipation. His smooth, hard length moved inside her just a little way, pulled out slightly, then came all the way out to glide over her clit before pushing back inside again.

“So good.” Her back arched and her head tilted back.

His fingertips dug into her ass as he lifted her higher, drawing her closer and sinking deeper into her. His mouth found her shoulder, nipping and sucking as he drove into her hard and fast.

“The way we fit together feels perfect.” His voice was harsh, his eyes glazed. There was a sheen of sweat on his face, neck and chest.

He changed his rhythm, using his hips to grind against her, pounding into, pulling out and grazing up against her clit. Her release was beginning, coiling low in her belly, tightening her muscles and igniting her nerve endings.

“More, please.” Her voice was little more than a whimper.

Pushing her knees up and back toward her chest, he powered into her, hard and fast. Instantly, she tightened and vibrated around him. And then she was falling over the edge, bucking her hips into him, contracting so hard around him her muscles ached. Her body felt like it was being flung around by a giant hand, like it was turned inside out and then pulled back again.

As she struggled to breathe, she was barely aware of Spencer’s continuing thrusts. As she was taken over by another series of pulsing contractions, she sensed his peak as he held himself deep inside her. He bowed his head into her neck, growling against her skin as his muscles began to quake.

Eventually, they both stopped shaking and started to breathe normally. Spencer turned until they were lying on their sides and he could cradle her in his arms. Exhausted, Katrina felt her mind empty of anything other than the sound of his breathing and the feel of his heart beating against her cheek. She felt completely relaxed in that perfect moment of intimacy.

Sleeping next to Spencer had quickly become her new normal and she wanted to do it for a very long time. When she lifted her head to tell him how she felt, he was already dozing.

* * *

Spencer woke with a start when his cell phone buzzed in the middle of the night. It didn’t happen often and he knew it must be important. The sound hadn’t disturbed Katrina, and he eased her away from him, trying not to wake her.

Even in the urgency of needing to check his cell, he took a moment to appreciate how incredible she was. How amazing things were between them.