She couldn’t control the trembling in her limbs. “My dogs...”

“I know.” His expression was grim. “The person who did this is going to pay.”

* * *

By the time the veterinarian arrived, Boris was already showing signs of recovery. His tail was twitching, and he was whimpering as if he was having a bad dream.

“That’s because he’s a larger dog,” the doctor explained as he examined him. “All three of them probably consumed similar amounts of the drug, but it has had less of an effect on him, so he’s able to shake it off faster.”

“And what is the drug?” Spencer asked.

“It’s impossible to say for sure without a detailed analysis, but I’m thinking the meat they were given has been laced with some sort of sedative. Concerned owners are increasingly turning to such drugs to calm nervous pets during storms or fireworks displays. They are relatively easy to obtain and don’t do any long-term damage.”

“So they’ll be okay?” Katrina needed to double-check.

“They may feel a little disoriented when they come around, but that won’t last for long. Don’t expect to see much activity from them until morning. When they wake up, give them plenty of water and let them do things in their own time. Call me if you have any concerns.” He left, taking the meat with him for analysis.

“Let’s get these poor puppies to bed,” Spencer said.

Carefully, he carried Holly, then Dobby, into the kennel. By the time it came to Boris, the big dog got to his feet and staggered into the shelter himself, collapsing onto his dog bed with a groan like a drunk after a night on the town.

Spencer turned to Katrina. “You are not staying out here with them tonight.”

She managed a shaky laugh. “I didn’t know you were a mind reader.”

“You heard what the veterinarian said. They’ll be fine.”

“But there was a guy who deliberately did that to them—”

Firmly, he led her out of the kennel and locked the door.

“And now they’re safe here.” Once they were inside the house, Spencer held out his hand. “Why don’t we go to bed?”

His meaning was clear and, this time, Katrina didn’t hesitate. Their growing closeness made it feel like this was the right time. She wasn’t going to agonize over “what next” or where it was leading. She’d just take this. One perfect moment. An antidote to all the fear and anxiety. And if that was all there was? Well, how cool would that be?

She placed a hand in his. “Yes, please.”

With that, he lifted her off her feet, holding her against his chest with her feet five inches from the floor. Kissing her so hard she felt like her whole body was on fire, he walked with her through to the bedroom.

After kicking open the bedroom door, he drew her with him to the bed and flicked on the lamp. Sitting on the mattress, he pulled her close to him. From her vantage point, standing between his muscular thighs, Katrina was able to rest her chin on the top of his head. She breathed in his delicious scent and lightly stroked the short hair at the nape of his neck. The texture felt softer than she’d expected, like rough velvet beneath her fingertips.

His breathing was warm against the top button of the white blouse she still wore and he wrapped his arms around her waist. They remained still for long minutes, each savoring the closeness, his hands gliding down her spine, just skimming the top of her ass.

“You’re beautiful.” When he looked up, the blue of his eyes appeared darker than ever.

“And you’re overdressed.” Moving her hands down his sides, she tugged at his T-shirt, easing it up. He helped her by raising his arms, and she pulled it over his head and dropped it to the floor.

As he lowered his hands, he ran his fingertips over her lips and kissed them before drawing one finger into her mouth. With an indrawn breath, he pushed a second finger between her lips while cupping her cheek with his other hand. She ran her tongue over the pads of his fingers before nipping lightly, then taking them deeper into her mouth.

The way he was sitting there, looking up at her as she sucked on his fingers, was incredibly sexy. She could tell he was as aroused as she was, yet he was letting her set the pace. Katrina could feel the heat between them shimmering in the air, penetrating her bloodstream. Her every nerve ending was alight with need.

His eyes were pools of naked need, inviting her into their depths. Releasing his fingers, she darted her tongue between his lips, lightly teasing. Demanding more, he caught hold of her hair. Pulling her head down to his, he filled her mouth with his tongue, energy and desire arcing from his body to hers.

Gasping, she broke free and leaned back. Nothing had prepared her for this moment. She was trembling with need and exhilaration. She wanted him so much, her whole body ached with longing. Knowing his need for her was just as intense... That was the most powerful feeling she had ever known.

Brushing her hair aside, he moved his lips to her neck, sucking and nipping at the taut skin just below her ear, and her knees weakened. He pulled her blouse out of the waistband of her pants, his fingers fumbling with the buttons, finally getting them undone before he slid it down her arms and let it fall. Sucking in a breath as he gazed at her, he pressed his lips to the curve of her breasts above the lace of her white bra.

Reaching around behind her to unhook the garment, he dragged it up above her breasts, lowering his head to dance his tongue across her skin. The sensation was almost too good to bear and she dropped her head to look at him, drinking in the sight of his face against her flesh as he took one nipple into his mouth.