“I’m glad you did. It smells amazing.”

“It will taste even better.”

They shared a smile that caused her stomach to flutter. For once, she let it happen. The dogs had been exercised and fed. They were chilling in the yard. Beer was cooling in the fridge and Katrina had downloaded a movie they both wanted to watch. The night was theirs.

Okay, so they still didn’t know who was behind the threats on her life, or who had shot Payne Colton, or where Eliza was... But, right now, she was going to try to put her fears to one side and come as close to relaxation as she could.

They ate in front of the TV, drinking beer and watching the movie in silence at first. When it turned out to be a disappointment, they began to pick apart faults in the script, laughing over the stilted dialogue.

“That was fun, even though it wasn’t meant to be.” Spencer inched closer.

It was a now-or-never moment. Katrina knew if she backed away now, he wouldn’t approach her again. They’d rebuilt a little of their fragile faith in each other, but was it enough to take the next step? She figured there was only one way to find out.

Slow and steady...

As he leaned in and touched his lips to hers, slow and steady became a distant memory. Kisses with him were better than anything she’d ever experienced. Spencer knew how to seduce her with just his mouth.

Katrina didn’t kiss him back immediately. She was too busy trying to think straight. But, no... That wasn’t happening.

Wrapping her arms around him, she eased back as Spencer ran his tongue over her lips, teasing the sensitive flesh before kissing her once more. This time, she raised her right hand and clasped the back of his head, holding his mouth tighter to hers. She responded to his kiss and their tongues twined together. Her mind left the building.

She managed to grab hold of the last remnants of reason. “Spencer, I don’t know...”

“How about we just stay here and make out?” He shifted position so they were lying side by side on the cramped sofa. “No pressure. This doesn’t have to be anything more.”

“That could be fun.” She ran her fingers through his hair. “I’ve never done that.”

“You never just made out?” He looked shocked. “You don’t know what you’ve missed.”

She wound an arm around the back of his neck as he ran one hand up and down her body. He was so incredibly sexy, it dazzled her to look at him. Instead, she closed her eyes, giving herself up to sensation. His tongue was so hot against hers, his lips alternately hot and insistent, then soft and caressing.

His body felt hard against hers as he slipped a hand down to her hips, stroking them before moving to her ass, his tongue still deep inside her mouth. Pressed up against hers, his muscular thighs felt tight against her own. His arms were strong and warm against her bare skin. It was an incredible turn-on to know that this didn’t have to lead anywhere.

Unless we want it to...

Because she already knew that she wanted to feel him closer than this. She needed him deep inside her. Slowly, she began to grind her pelvis against his. He was already hard, and he groaned softly, encouraging her to keep moving. He slipped his hand up her shirt, squeezing her breasts through her bra until she whimpered into his mouth. He was working his hand into the cup when she opened her eyes...

And saw the outline of someone looking in at them through the window. Because of the way the light fell, the details were unclear and she couldn’t see the face, but it was possible the person wore a hood.

“Spencer!” As she jerked upright, the shape vanished.

“What is it? What’s wrong?” Spencer was looking down at her in bewilderment.

“There was someone watching us through the window.” She lifted a shaking hand and pointed. “We didn’t close the drapes.”

He frowned. “But the dogs are loose in the yard. They didn’t bark.”

“Oh, no.” She was on her feet, running through the kitchen toward the back door. “The antifreeze warning.”

Ever since the most recent break-in, Katrina had started leaving a flashlight near the back door. Spencer snatched it up and they headed outside together. Her worst nightmare came crashing down around her when she saw the three dogs lying motionless on their sides. Giving a little moan, she clutched Spencer’s arm.

He ran over and checked each dog in turn. “They’re breathing normally. My guess is they’ve been drugged rather than poisoned. I’ll call the police veterinarian.”

Katrina’s knees began to act like Jell-O, but she managed to stay upright while Spencer made a call. On the grass close to the dogs, there was a piece of half-chewed meat. When Spencer had finished talking, she pointed it out to him.

“That’s not the sort of thing I give my dogs.”

“It doesn’t belong to Boris, either.” He put an arm around her shoulders. “The veterinarian is on his way.”