She shook her head. “I don’t remember if I set it.”

But he already knew that answer. They often left it off during the day when staff and family members were regularly coming and going.

“Do you think they’re still in the house?”

Asher shook his head. “No. Whoever broke in is long gone by now.”

“Who do you think could have done this?”

“I don’t know.” Was it the person who’d shot his father or involved Willow and him in a bogus baby-switch myster

y? Maybe it was the suspect who called in a bomb threat or who let Triple R cattle escape. Could one individual have accomplished so many crimes without dying from exhaustion?

He scanned the top of his mother’s dresser, but the bric-a-brac that was usually there had been swiped to the floor.

“What did they get?”

His mother rushed into her side of the his-and-hers closets and dressing room and pushed aside the sliding wall that covered the safe. By the time he reached her, she was already putting in the combination. She pulled open the door, moved jewelry boxes around and then sighed.

“The burglar didn’t make it in here. My good jewelry is fine. But I had some expensive pieces on the dresser. They’re all gone along with some cash I had lying on top.”

“Cash, Mom? Really?”

“I trust our staff. Implicitly. At least I did.” She returned to the main room. “We should call the police.”

“I already had Dulcie call from upstairs, but we’d better let them know it’s not a murder or an active-shooter incident they’re coming into.” He reached out his hand. “Give me your phone.”

She grabbed her purse off the bed and handed her cell to him.

“At least you remembered to take this with you , or it would already be gone and wiped back to factory settings by now.”

He dialed the emergency dispatcher to let police know that though an officer was still needed, the situation at the Triple R wasn’t critical. Then he dialed his own phone to let Dulcie know she could bring Harper out.

Just as the cook handed his daughter into his arms in the entryway, Marlowe came through the front door, followed by Grayson.

“What’s going on this time?” Grayson asked immediately.

Marlowe planted her hands on her hips. “Yeah, what now?”

“Better check your suites,” Asher told them. “We’ve been robbed.”

Grayson climbed the stairs to the second floor. After handing Harper to his mother, Asher took the elevator with Marlowe to the third. Like in their parents’ suite, Marlowe’s drawers had been emptied on the floor. She rushed over to her bedside dresser that was still intact.

She shook her head as soon as she opened it. “My jewelry is gone.”

They both automatically glanced down at her left hand. Her diamond solitaire engagement ring from Bowie blinked back at them.

“Oh, thank goodness.” Marlowe blew out a breath. “I’ve not been wearing it as often lately since my hands are swelling from the pregnancy.”

“Good thing you wore it today.”

She pointed back to the drawer. “They got the cash I keep in there, too.”

“Does everyone in this family leave cash lying around?”

Since they were on the third floor, anyway, they also checked Callum’s room, which looked much like the first two. Then they checked Asher’s before taking the elevator back down.

“Looks like we’ve all been hit,” Grayson said as they reached the landing.