If Jace was going to be around the ranch for a while, then he had a lot to learn. Still, every time he came out to the barns or field, he appeared to fit in a little better. Today he’d even traded the fancy Western hat that Ainsley had bought him for a more reasonable work hat. He’d paid for it himself that time.

“It was good of you to help out here while I was at the hospital. Especially with all the work you’re doing with the earthquake recovery efforts.”

“Just glad I could help. And glad you had that old truck around so that I had something to drive.” He stretched his neck from side to side and rolled his shoulders.

“I am a little tired, though. If not for the work gloves, I wouldn’t be able to bear the blisters by now.” He pulled out the pair he’d tucked in his back pocket and waved them.

“You just need to develop some calluses. Badge of honor around here.”

“I’ll keep that in mind.” Jace shrugged. “I have to keep busy, or I’ll go crazy. This waiting is killing me. I can’t believe you and Mrs. Merrill already have your results, and we’re still waiting for the results on our repeat test.”

“They should be coming at any time now, right?”

Jace blew out a breath. “God, let’s hope so.”

Jarvis might have become bored with the topic, as he took a step between them.

“Back to our discussion. Asher said he wants to clear my idea with his siblings, but how about we try it out on you first?”

Jace’s gaze flicked to Asher. “If you’re okay with that.”

He considered for a few seconds and then nodded. He didn’t bother lying to himself and saying he hadn’t fully gone from proper skepticism to believing there was a possibility that Jace might be his brother, and then to hoping it was the case.

Asher still didn’t want to be disloyal to Ace, but he couldn’t argue that Jace would be a different type of Colton from any of the others. The guy was at least interested in the ranch part of the Colton world, instead of only the oil business like half of Asher’s siblings, or emergency response and personal protection, like the other two.

Jace might need a major ranch education, but Asher also knew of someone who would be a willing instructor.

By the time that Asher had tuned back into the conversation, Jarvis had wrapped up his pitch, even including Asher’s suggestion of a decoy.

“Well, what do you think?” Jarvis asked.

Jace appeared to consider for a few seconds.

“If it were me, I would want to guarantee that Payne was safe by having him moved from the hospital to another facility,” Jace said. “But, other than that, I think it’s a great idea.

“Whoever hurt...Payne needs to be stopped before he comes back and finishes, you know, what he started.”

Asher nodded. At first, he’d been cautious about the idea, but Jace was right. They had to stop the shooter instead of just having security guards to protect his father, or he would never be safe. None of the family would be.

“Just give me a minute. Let me talk it over with my siblings.”

He stepped away and scrolled through his contacts. Strange how he was still tempted to call Ace first as the oldest, but he resisted the impulse. Ace had enough to deal with lately. Instead, Asher started with Ainsley, and worked his way down the list by age until he reached the twins, Callum and Marlowe.

When he was finished, he returned to Jarvis, who stood near his truck.

“Where did Jace go?”

“Said he had to get back to work.”

Asher could have said the same thing about the two of them, but he didn’t mention that.

“Well, what did they say?”

“They all agreed with Jace. As long as we move Dad, then they’re in.”

“What about your mom?”

“She’ll go along with us.”