Jarvis shook his head. “No, but Jace has been watching out for one laboring mother in Barn One. He’s been super helpful lately and has us on speed dial in case the cow needs some backup.”

Asher immediately started toward the barn where Jace was working.

“He’s doing fine, boss. Don’t worry.”

Asher paused. “You’re right. I’m sure he is.”

“I needed to talk to you about something anyway.”

“More problems with the fences?”

“Nothing like that. It’s just, well, I have an idea about how to flush out Payne’s shooter.”

“Your brother’s got it under control. At least that’s what he said when I went to see him. I was trying to tell him how to do his job, too.”

Jarvis shook his head. “Oh. I bet Spencer hated that. He hates when anyone questions his authority, especially Bella or me. But maybe that’s just a triplet thing.”

“Then why are you trying?”

“Because whoever shot your dad needs to pay for it. And because Mustang Valley will be a much safer place once the shooter is off the streets.”

“Okay, I’ll bite. What’s your plan?”

“It’s simple. You just have to let the information leak that Payne is awake. Since your dad probably knows the shooter, or at least saw him, the guy will be forced to come and finish the job.”

Somehow Asher managed not to shiver over the last part, but he still shook his head.

“That doesn’t sound like a good idea.”

“Really, it’s perfect. Spencer could have some of his officers staking out the place in addition to your security guys. Heck, your story won’t even be that far off from the truth, since you all said your dad is improving every day.”

“There are a few problems with your premise. First, we can’t use my father as bait. What if the shooter’s successful? Even with the police and the personal-security service we hired, Dad could still be killed.”

Asher’s breath caught as he remembered to whom he was speaking. Jarvis wouldn’t take that risk lightly. The Colton triplets had lost both of their parents when they were just ten years old.

“Sorry. I wasn’t thinking.”

“Forget about it. Anyway, you’re right. I wasn’t thinking about what would happen if the guy succeeded.”

“That’s not even the only hole in your plan. MVPD isn’t big like Tucson’s police department. Chief Al Barco doesn’t have officers to spare for surveillance. And the part about it being closer to the truth, well, those report

s about Dad’s improvement might have been exaggerated.”

“So, it’s not a perfect plan, but do you have a better one?” When Asher shook his head, Jarvis lifted his hands in victory. “Then, hell, it’s worth a try.”

“Maybe you have a point. If we used a decoy for Dad, it could possibly work. I would need to run it by my brothers and sisters first, but if—”

“Absolutely it could work. Don’t you think so, Jace?”

Asher found Jace standing behind him. How long their houseguest had been there, he wasn’t sure.

“Depends on what you’re talking about.”

“What about the cow in Barn One?”

“Rex took over for me two minutes ago. Guess he didn’t trust me to handle it if she really got into trouble.”

“That’s fair.” Asher grinned, both because he had an answer to his question and that Rex was probably right.