The side of his mouth lifted. “We’ve kept her busy lately.”
She smiled back, her heart cramping just a little. “Well, I need to get back to work.”
“Me, too. But I wanted to tell you that I’m sorry that you got caught up in this mess.”
“You think the hoax was related to the other unusual happenings involving your family?”
“Don’t you?”
She nodded. “But what about the incidents at my building?”
“There’s a chance that they’re unrelated. You might want to think about whether you have any enemies. They probably aren’t as obvious or as plentiful as ours.”
“Thanks. I’ll go through my records and see if there’s anyone I’m forgetting.”
“I’ll keep the security guards there for a while, and hopefully, you’ll figure it out soon.”
“You don’t have to do that.”
“I want to.” His hand jutted out, like it had in Anne’s office. She braced herself for the pain and relief of his touch, but he stopped as he had before. This time he slid his fingers in his pocket and gripped his belt loop. “My daughter is still under your care for now, and I want to make sure she stays safe.”
“Right. Well, I appreciate it. For her.”
Now that their infants’ parentage had been resolved, there was nothing left for them to say to each other that didn’t involve the day-care center.
With a wave, Asher turned in the opposite direction, as if he’d come in the hospital from a different entrance. Willow forced herself to keep moving forward to her own car, her own life. She wouldn’t look over her shoulder and wish she could have accepted less from him than his love.
A part of her heart still went with him.
Chapter 21
“Willow? Over here.”
Fighting an overwhelming sense of déjà vu on that afternoon four days later, Willow moved toward the feminine voice inside Java Jane’s. Not only was this the second time she’d visited the shop that month, but it also would be her second meeting with a Colton there.
That morning, though, she’d been summoned.
She waved back at the elegantly dressed middle-aged woman with wavy long blond hair, cream-colored skin and a slightly turned-up nose. Even if Willow had never met Asher until recently, she would still have recognized Genevieve Colton anywhere from the local newspaper’s society pages. Or because she looked a lot like her oldest son, but Willow wouldn’t think about that.
As she stepped up to the table, the other woman stood. She glanced at Willow’s extended right hand and leaned in to hug her instead.
“Hi, I’m Genevieve,” she said when she pulled back. “I’m so pleased you agreed to meet with me.”
Willow nodded. Once she’d hoped for an audience with any Colton to address her mother’s mistreatment. She’d never expected something like Genevieve’s call. Even if Asher’s mother had given her the chance to say no, the curiosity still would have gotten to her. Genevieve Colton had wanted to meet with her?
Appearing not to notice the coffee drinkers from nearby tables, who stared openly at them, Genevieve lowered into her seat again and gestured for Willow to take the chair opposite hers.
“I hope you don’t mind that I already ordered drinks for us.”
Genevieve gestured to the table where two oversize, porcelain coffee cups had already been placed, steaming black liquid filling them almost to the brim. A small bowl containing individual creamers and sweetener packets had been set next to the cup, and two teaspoons were on a pile of napkins just behind them. Clearly, she intended the two of them to be there for a while.
“I should have checked to see if you even drink coffee.”
She chuckled and then nervously spun the massive wedding ring set on her finger. Willow hadn’t expected Genevieve Colton to fidget.
“I do. Thanks.” She pulled the cup to her.
“My son told me about the situation at the hospital. I’m sorry you got caught up in that. I’m glad everything turned out all right.”