He pushed open the door, twisted and carefully tucked a shoulder so she wouldn’t hit her head.

“Not always. A few minutes ago, I was considering pulling you down on top of me on the floor.”

“But you really would have stopped and headed right out that door if I hadn’t...”

He studied her for several seconds, her question surprising him. Then he nodded. “Yes, ma’am.”

From her smile, he would have thought he’d made the most profound statement in the world. In the shadowy room, he lowered her to the bed, where she sat and flipped on the table lamp next to it.

As he sat next to her and reached for his boot, he paused. “Still sure?”

That her only answer was a nod didn’t make him feel confident, but after he slid off his boots, she reached for the hem of his T-shirt and shimmied it up his chest and over his head.

“Guess you are,” he said.

She cleared her throat. “Maybe a little less talk and a lot more action?”

“Wouldn’t want to disappoint a lady.”

He dipped his head and took her mouth again, and he was lost. Each taste, each touch only made him crave another. And then one more.

He pushed the robe off her shoulders and down her arms, letting it pool around her hips, before tracing his fingers along the spaghetti straps of her nightgown. Her eyes fluttered closed as he followed the line of the garment’s neckline to its modest vee at the center.

He dipped his fingertips beneath the cloth, the silk no match for the smoothness of her lovely tawny skin. Nor, he was surprised to discover, could memories of gymnastic sex from his past compare to the moment when he slid his palm beneath the weight of her breast, floating his thumb across its peak. He swallowed Willow’s sigh.

Asher closed his eyes, trying to dissect those feelings over the haze of his own relentless need for her. Was this time different for him? Did she matter more to him than the others had? But he lifted his lids in time to catch sight of her pulling the flimsy nightgown over her head.

Whatever he’d been thinking about before fluttered away as he stared at the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen bare, let alone touched. And he planned to take his time in saying a fine, leisurely greeting to all those spots of skin as she introduced them.

Slow must not have been on her agenda, however, as with the next intoxicating kiss, she pressed him back on the bed and draped herself over him. He was about to explode, still half-dressed.

He rolled with her to his side to correct that problem, but her hands slipped in to cover his belt buckle first. His front teeth sank into his lower lip, and he gripped the comforter, but he managed to avoid taking over as she worked the buckle and the button of his jeans. A slow hiss escaped him as her fingertips “accidentally” grazed him as she worked.

He wasted no time in standing to shuck his jeans and boxers, while she wiggled out of her panties next to him. He reached for his jeans again and the wallet inside but stopped just as he opened it.

“Damn. I don’t have—I stopped carrying—”

Instead of answering, she leaned over to the bedside table and opened the drawer. From it, she produced a box of condoms. He glanced from the box to her face that had deepened in color and then back to the box.

“I’m a single mom. It’s important for me to be responsible if, you know, anything ever happens.”

“Well, good thing one of us was thinking ahead.”


sp; “You might need to blow the dust off that package.”

He chuckled before taking a good look at it. She hadn’t purchased them with him in mind, but he was strangely relieved that the box hadn’t been opened. He turned away to cover himself and then stretched out next to her.

“We don’t have to be in a hurry.” He didn’t care if his body clearly disagreed.

Again, Willow seemed to have a different idea, kissing and curling herself around him with a need like the one he was trying to contain in himself.

“Please. It’s been so long,” she breathed against his neck.

“I’m here to please.”

Yet her words troubled him as he brought them together, and they began to move in tandem toward an ecstasy they could seek and find in each other. Willow couldn’t know how right she was. It had taken him so long, in fact a lifetime, to get there, but he suspected that in her, he had found home.