“We’re looking at all of that.”

“Well, are you checking out the recent incidents at Tender Years? Maybe he could have been involved in those, too.”

Spencer shook his head. “Now I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“Willow Merrill, the owner, probably didn’t file a police report. Maybe she should have.”

“What kind of incidents?”

“A threatening letter was delivered to her place of business.”

The law-enforcement officer lifted a brow. “I’m not sure you understand how this dark web thing works, but that seems a little low-tech to me.”

“What about an anonymous electronic complaint with the Department of Health Services when it’s supposed to be impossible to do without the filer’s name? And what about a Clamor smear campaign, where tons of reviews show up the same day, all showing different dates and appearing to come from a variety of sources?”

“Now, those would require some expertise,” Spencer said. “They also hint that she really pissed somebody off.”

“That’s what I told her.”

“Since when are you and Ms. Merrill friends?”

Asher crossed his arms. “She’s my daughter’s day-care provider, and we found out our babies may or may not have been switched at birth.”

“No way. Again?”

“Some families are just lucky, I guess.” He filled the sergeant in on the details from the hospital. “It’s possible that the call about the switch and the other strange events at the center might somehow be related to the threats involving my family.”

Spencer gestured to his stack of files. “As much as I don’t want to add to our backlog of cases, you should tell Willow to file a report. Whether or not any of the things are connected, whoever’s trying to get her attention might not stop.”

The sergeant stood again, indicating the meeting was over. “I guess we have even more to look into, so we’d better get started. Unless there’s anything else...?”

“There’s one more thing. I think you should look into the Affirmation Alliance Group.”

“You mean Micheline Anderson’s self-help organization? Why that group?”

“Harley Watts just happens to be a member. He talked about it all the time on social media. Daniel’s research mentioned it, as well.”

“Sure, we saw that, too. But that’s no big deal. Many community members are involved with AAG. Anyway, the group has done a lot of good in helping people since the earthquake, even putting victims up at that huge guest ranch on its property. Have you ever seen that place? Fancy log-cabin exterior. Huge open lobby with a triangular roof.” Spencer held his hands wide. “And what about Micheline offering a location for the evacuees after the bomb threat at Colton Oil?”

“I’m not saying AAG doesn’t do good. It’s just that if Harley Watts is involved, then maybe there’s, I don’t know, something.”

“Fine. I think you’re barking up the wrong tree, but we’ll check into the AAG as soon as you Coltons stop calling us every day.” He shook his cousin’s hand. “You know, you could have been a fine police detective. In fact, I’m glad you had an interest in ranching because you’d probably have had my job.”

“I don’t want to be a detective, but I’m motivated to find the answers on one case.” Asher tilted his head back and forth, considering that.

“Well, make that a few cases. It’s my dad in that hospital bed and my siblings who were targeted in that bomb threat. Willow and the girls might be caught up in all of this because of me. Even the cattle are my responsibility.”

Spencer patted his shoulder and then guided him out through the squad room.

“I know you feel responsible, but you need to let us take it from here, okay?”

Asher nodded, and then he pushed back his shoulders.

“I will, but you need to know that if whoever this is trying to get to the people I care about, they’ll have to go through me first.”

* * *

Asher stepped to his spot in front of the massive television in the mansion’s family room. His requested audience, consisting of his mother, siblings, a few of their future spouses and one possible brother, lined the two brown leather sofas and the pattern side chairs. He cleared his throat and began.