“Well, when you put it that way. Flattery and all.” She rolled her eyes.

“Seriously, Tender Years has a great reputation. Four and a half stars on Clamor, a day-care-review app. Sort of like Yelp for childcare.”

“You read those?”

“I’m pretty keyed into local day-care issues, at least lately. Anyway, Harper and I just lost our third nanny in twice as many months.”

She pursed her lips. “Hate that missing half a star.”

“Perfectionist much?”

“Always. And whatever that complaint said about the center, it wasn’t true.”

“I know.”

She’d been staring at the floor, but at his comment, her gaze lifted, and her eyes appeared to search his for answers he couldn’t give. In this period of uncertainty, he was surprised he could be sure of anything, and yet he was. She would never put the center she’d worked so hard to protect during her marriage at risk with shoddy business practices. He wasn’t sure why it mattered to her that he believed in her, but he liked that it did.

Seconds ticked by. He knew he should look away from her, should pierce that bubble that held them as effectively as the three walls and the door of the cramped elevator. He couldn’t. Worse, he didn’t want to.

The doors broke the spell for him, yawning wide. He stepped out and, without looking back, held the door open for Willow. As he continued toward the exit, she pushed the stroller behind him.

“If you still want the spot, come by the center before we close tomorrow at six thirty to fill out the paperwork.”

“You mean you found one, even with that lengthy waiting list and all?”

He couldn’t resist looking back this time. She scowled at first and then shrugged. He couldn’t blame her for lying about the opening. As if the situation wasn’t uncomfortable enough between them, depending on the DNA test results next week, it could become unbearable.

“Was that the real reason you came after me? To tell me about the spot?”

“Remember, I can only hold it for you until tomorrow night. You’ll need to bring her immunization records and contact information for anyone allowed to pick up your daughter for you.”

“Sounds good.”

“And you need to know that you’ll be expected to follow the rules for picking her up on time, unless there’s an emergency.”

“Like a cow having a rough delivery?” He grinned.

“Bigger than that.”

“Pregnant cows are pretty big.”

She frowned again as she passed him. Did she think he’d been serious when he’d joked about his cattle?

“Don’t worry. I’ll be there tomorrow before you close, and Harper will be picked up on time every night, no matter what I have to do to make that happen.”

Finally, she nodded. Whether she was thinking about her dad or her deadbeat ex when she looked at him like that, Asher had a sudden need to prove to her that he wasn’t like either of them.

“So, I’ll see you tomorrow night.”

He swallowed as the impact of her words hit him. She either hadn’t noticed that they’d planned a date of sorts or didn’t want him to know that she had. She pushed the stroller down the hall without looking back.

Still in her mom’s arms instead of the seat, Luna stared at them, cautious but curious.

Asher couldn’t look away until they’d disappeared around the corner. Willow hadn’t said why she’d changed her mind and agreed to give Harper the spot she’d clearly had all along. Well, let her keep her secret, and he would keep his.

> He’d told himself he’d agreed to place his daughter at the center only because he had no choice. He’d even informed Willow that he had to find a childcare provider immediately, which wasn’t exactly the truth. Dulcie and Neda adored Harper. Neither would mind helping to care for her a little longer, if necessary.

Why was he so determined for Harper to take her place at Tender Years? He could make all kinds of excuses about her needing stability and the chance to be around someone who had expertise in child development. He could even tell himself he just wanted to keep an eye on Luna after the two odd instances Willow had mentioned. The child could still be his, after all.