Was it the wrong time for him to invite Willow and Luna into the murky mix of their lives? Probably. But he could no more live his life without her than his mother could give up hope that his dad would awaken soon and come back to her.

His whole family was sick of living in fear. Whoever was coming after them would not be allowed to win. They were the Coltons, and they were ready to fight back.

* * *

Don’t miss the next book in

the Coltons of Mustang Valley miniseries—

Colton Manhunt by Jane Godman.

Available now from

Harlequin Romantic Suspense!

And catch up on the previous installments in the series:

Colton First Responder by Linda O. Johnston

Colton Family Bodyguard by Jennifer Morey

Colton’s Lethal Reunion by Tara Taylor Quinn

Colton Baby Conspiracy by Marie Ferrarella

Be sure to read the next two volumes

Colton’s Deadly Disguise by Geri Krotow

Colton Cowboy Jeopardy by Regan Black

Both available in April 2020!

Keep reading for an excerpt from Colton Manhunt by Jane Godman.


Danger. Passion. Drama.

These heart-racing page-turners will keep you guessing to the very end. Experience the thrill of unexpected plot twists and irresistible chemistry.


Colton Manhunt

by Jane Godman

Chapter 1

The last ten minutes of every puppy class was off-leash time. The dogs, who were all three months old, had spent almost an hour involved in an intense training session. Now was their chance to release some energy and socialize.

Katrina Perry, owner and head trainer at the Look Who’s Walking dog-training center, knew this informal period would be more stressful for the human clients than the canines. Let their precious babies go free around these other dogs? What if they ran away, got scared, or were bitten by the class bully? Since this was the first session in an eight-week program, she outlined a few rules.

“I need you to remain seated at all times while the pups interact. If you see your pet engaging in something that looks like aggression, don’t be alarmed. Play fighting is a natural behavior and the way they engage with the world.” She gestured to Suzie Calles, her assistant trainer. “If there is a genuine problem, one of us will intervene. If your pup, or any other one, appears shy around the others and comes to you, please don’t pet them or pick them up. The aim is to get them to relate to the other animals, not the humans.”

There were eight dogs in class today, and Katrina had already figured out what would happen. The vocal German shepherd would fall silent the instant another pup approached him. The hyperactive rottweiler would tear around the training ground without even noticing the other dogs. The timid Siberian husky would find somewhere to hide. The others would make some noise before starting to play.

She had been working with dogs since she had volunteered at the local kennels in high school. Initially, her only qualification had been her love of animals but, as her skills had increased, she’d known that this was the only career for her. Yes, she had an intuition where her canine clients were concerned, but she also had years of experience to back up her instincts. Her business had a good name and that had been built on trust.