“Count on that,” Grayson said, giving Savannah a kiss.
* * *
It finally appeared really to be over. Savannah felt overjoyed.
Oh, she did accompany Grayson to the police station, as his cousin, the police sergeant, insisted. But no one took her into custody then, either, although she did have to make an official statement.
Sergeant Spencer Colton apparently called an EMT, not one of Grayson’s employees, to check his cousin out after the car accident. Fortunately, except for some bruising, especially on his head, he apparently was fine.
Afterward, standing in the station’s reception area, Savannah was told by the police chief that the situation remained under investigation and she was not to leave town.
“Tell us where we’ll be able to find you,” said the tall and mostly bald Chief Al Barco.
“I—” Savannah tried to answer, but she didn’t know what to say. She would prefer not to return to the bunker or the cabin, and certainly not Zane’s guesthouse, which she’d been staying in.
“For now, she’ll be staying with me, at the Triple R,” Grayson broke in and gave the address. “And here’s her current phone number.” He provided the burner phone’s number to the cop.
His family home? That sounded wonderful to Savannah. But was it a good idea?
“Sounds good,” the chief said. He had been regarding her sternly, but now he smiled. “I’ve got a feeling we’re going to have no further official interest in you, but stay tuned. We’ll have to let you know.”
“Of course,” Savannah said. She wished he’d been more positive, but at least there was reason for hope now. A lot of reasons.
“I think you’ve got some investigating to do,” Grayson added. “You have a couple of killers in custody, and one of them’s allegedly a dead guy.”
Chief Barco laughed. “Let’s see how that all works out,” he said.
“Yes,” said Grayson. “Let’s see.” He took Savannah’s hand and began leading her out of the station.
Sergeant Colton came over to them. “I haven’t completely forgiven you,” he said to Grayson, but he looked at Savannah and winked.
A cop winked at her! For some reason, that made Savannah feel a whole lot better. She was free now, hopefully forever.
“What’ll it take for you to forgive me?” Grayson said.
“Keep me better informed next time, for one thing.”
“I just hope there’s no next time, at least not like this,” Grayson said, and Savannah could only smile and nod her concurrence.
They left the station. But now what? It was dark outside. And Savannah knew her ultimate goal that night was Grayson’s home.
Bad idea? Oh, she loved the idea of being with him longer. He had done all he had promised, and it appeared that she was exonerated from the charges that had disrupted her life so horribly.
She really liked the guy. More than that. She had certainly come to care for him, a lot. Probably too much. But in some ways there was no reason for them to stay close together any longer.
Even though she knew she would really like that.
But she had vowed not to get involved with any other men after her ugly divorce —and she wasn’t sure she could so easily trust another guy so deeply, after what Zane had done.
Did she dare get even more involved with Grayson now?
They did stop for dinner at a nice restaurant on their way home, an Italian place. And for once Savannah was hungry.
She wished she could pay. She should be able to soon, since she would be able to get access to her bank account and other assets.
But for now—well, Grayson said he would pay, and she let him.
This time.