“Very interesting,” he said to PJ, trying to sound somewhat excited. “So you really do have a viable suspect.” Should he suggest that the clip could have been planted?

No. That might give away whose side he was on.

“Yep, we do,” PJ said. “Still don’t know where she is, though. But we’re putting together a bigger task force to search for her. Maybe she’s still hiding out in the woods near where the van went down. Meanwhile, we’re out there. Expanding our search. And we’ll find her.”

That was what Grayson was afraid of.

“And good thing we’re together now,” PJ said. “We’d intended to contact you to interview you about your meeting with Wright. Can you come to the station when we’re done here? From what we have found so far, you were one of the last people to see him alive.”

“Sure,” Grayson said, his heart sinking. Well, he wouldn’t have anything helpful to say. “And after we’re done, I’d appreciate it if you would keep me informed about your investigation as much as you can. I’m interested, especially since Wright was killed so soon after I saw him. And if you need a first responder or two or three in your investigation, be sure to let me know.”

Chapter 16

“What do you mean, we’re leaving?” Savannah demanded.

It was late afternoon. Grayson had just returned to the cabin and said he’d brought everything else she’d requested, and more.

But he was acting strange. His expression was worried. Very worried.

And that worried Savannah.

Of course she was more than emotionally ready to leave this place. But practically?

Where could she go?

She hadn’t changed her appearance yet, so she would most likely be too identifiable to go nearly anywhere.

Even so, since he was pushing this, Grayson had to have someplace in mind.

“Look, everything’s probably fine,” he said, “but I do know they’re looking for you in earnest right now.”

Savannah felt herself both stiffen and shudder, looking at Grayson’s face. Its features were the same, utterly handsome and appealing—except for the unnatural frown.

“Who is looking?” But of course she knew.

“The police. I’ll explain shortly. But right now, go ahead and change into one of the new outfits, including the shoes I brought.”

He’d shown her some athletic shoes that looked pretty inexpensive, unlike anything she would have chosen for herself before.

He had also brought her some cheap-looking T-shirts and other tops and jeans, nothing anyone who knew her would expect her to wear, which was perfect.

He had just brought her some hair dye, too, but she hadn’t had time to use it.

But how did he know the police were after her right now? Not that it should be a big surprise.

And if they were, did she dare leave here? Or were they more likely to find her here than someplace else?

Grayson seemed to have taken charge—again. Was he truly on her side? He still appeared to be, but how could she be certain?

Well, she didn’t have much choice if he believed the cops might come looking for her here.

And at least she might get an opportunity to run.

She closed herself in the bathroom and did as he directed. She changed clothes and modified her makeup, adding eye shadow, eyeliner and mascara, although she didn’t try aging herself. She also practiced slumping, especially her shoulders, since most women she’d associated with from successful families walked and talked like models, with gentle waves of their hands.

Not that she felt certain how people of a lesser public status held themselves, but she would give it a try. In addition, she forced herself to practice walking in a way that stuck her stomach out more than usual. She felt highly uncomfortable, not so much physically as mentally. This wasn’t her—yet it was, for now.

In a short while, she exited the bathroom with her new clothes and less prideful demeanor. She tilted her head slightly and looked up sadly and uncomfortably toward Grayson.