“Yes,” she said, “Let’s.”

Grayson joined her in bed soon after, and drew close enough to her to put his arm around her.

She turned, snuggling against him.

They shared a wonderful good-night kiss, and although Savannah felt her body churn a bit in lust again, she didn’t pursue it. Sleep sounded like a good idea.

Tomorrow could be a big day—even if she remained stuck here for all or part of the day.

“Good night, Grayson,” she whispered against him.

“Good night.” She felt him kiss the top of her head.

And hoped that wouldn’t be the last time, either tonight or on future nights together.

Though she knew better than to count on that to count on anything,

Even regarding the wonderful Grayson.

Chapter 15

Grayson didn’t fall asleep for a long time, and judging by her breathing, neither did Savannah. But it felt good, really good, to hold her like this with no current worries menacing them.

Wouldn’t it be great if this was the beginning of some real time together? A future they shared.

Yeah, right. He recognized that he was beginning to care for her too much. Once the danger to her was over, so would any chance of a relationship between them. Which was for the best.

And that danger? When he had gone into the bathroom earlier to prepare for bed, he had brought his cell phone and checked for updates on Ian Wright’s murder.

The media seemed to be having great fun with the idea that it was a follow-up to Zane Oliver’s murder. They suggested that since the poor, hard-working, by-the-book attorney had failed to get his client out on bail for that killing, Savannah would have wanted revenge on him, too. Or so the various stories mostly asserted.

Grayson had seen that kind of hype and accusation before, of course. He would look into it more tomorrow when he was no longer here—and would also do further checking into the status of the murder investigation with his professional contacts.

And now...

Now, finally, he felt his body relaxing enough to let him drift into sleep. He concentrated on the feel of Savannah against him once more before he allowed himself to drop off.

* * *

“Sorry I don’t have anything more exciting for breakfast than an English muffin and jam,” Savannah said to Grayson the next morning. He was going to leave soon. She knew it.

And he would also be back. He had told her so. He had been reliable—and more—so far, so she believed him. Or at least wanted to. But how long could he help her without someone noticing his trips to the cabin?

She knew better than to assume that them being together in such a special manner last night would happen again.

But, oh, how she had enjoyed it.

And couldn’t recall ever feeling that close to Zane.


y I didn’t bring anything more exciting for breakfast than English muffins and jam,” Grayson countered, and they both laughed.

What would she do today after he left, Savannah wondered.

For now—

For now, she ate slowly, not being especially hungry but knowing she needed to get something down. She mostly watched Grayson, who wolfed down his muffin enthusiastically—also watching her as he did so, as if attempting to set an example so she would eat more, too.