This time, he was the one to roll her over, positioning her on the bed till she lay beneath him—and he had the freedom now to wrap himself in that condom, then press the head of his erection exactly where it belonged.
Savannah drew in her breath as he entered her. It stung just a little until her body stretched to take him in, since he was so large and she hadn’t engaged in this kind of experience for a long time. But the discomfort faded quickly. She wanted him. Now. She moved her hips to encourage him, and in moments he was pumping inside her and she was matching his eager motions with her own.
Please let this last, she begged silently, even as she knew it couldn’t. For now, she would enjoy and appreciate every moment of it.
This was what she wanted.
This was here and now.
And it was all she could and would think about.
But much too soon she reached the critical, wonderful climax, even as Grayson, too, moaned and stopped moving. She managed to open her eyes enough to see that his remained closed, but that gorgeous body of his had risen somewhat and she could see the tension in it as he, too, came.
“Wow,” he said as he gently lay down partly on her and partly beside her.
“Wow,” she agreed, reaching to hold him tightly against her.
Wishing this moment could stay just like this—forever.
* * *
This had not been the reason Grayson rushed to the cabin this evening. In fact, it hadn’t even been on his mind when he had headed here. Or at least as nothing more than a whimsy at the back of his mind that he’d never thought would come true.
But it had happened. He had helped to initiate it, had kept it going, and now they were lying in bed together.
Did he regret it? No way. Savannah was quite a woman. She had impressed him before with her attitude in a situation that appeared no-win for her—at least not without his help.
And so far, he hadn’t really helped her.
But he still believed in her. Although he couldn’t allow a miraculous bout of sex to swing his beliefs beyond what was logical as reality.
Bad idea, maybe, but he certainly had enjoyed it.
Wanted more, though not right now.
He would need to be careful, though. Sex could lead to long-term relationships if one wasn’t careful.
Long-term relationships could lead to nothing but trouble. He’d seen that in so many other people that he had minimized getting too involved with anyone. His own recent failed relationship had been short-term. He was a first responder, but that didn’t mean responding too deeply, too long, to a woman who attracted him.
Now Savannah was breathing deeply beside him, her head pressed against his chest.
Neither had donned any clothes, although they now were under the sheet. It was growing a little cooler—but he hardly recognized that, thanks to their combined body heat.
It was late now, dark outside.
He moved slightly, though his intention was to stay the night. Not for more sex, but to try to be there for Savannah during this difficult time.
Okay, he had come to care for her. Maybe too much.
On the other hand, it would probably be better for both of them if he left and pursued further leads.
And maybe got the rest of the disguises he had promised Savannah.
What else could he do to help her?