When would she hear about it?

When would she see Grayson?

She was inside the cabin, going crazy as she usually did these days. Was Grayson at least getting her the disguise items she needed?

If not, she still had to get out of here, soon. Sitting at that darned table nibbling on apple chips that Grayson had brought wasn’t doing her any good.

Neither was thinking about Zane, and why he was so angry with her that he’d decided to fake his own death so he could frame her for murder. They could have found a way to get along as time went on after their divorce, couldn’t they?

Zane clearly didn’t think so. And though Savannah thought he could have disappeared to someplace as far away as Bali, she wondered if he was instead hanging out around here to laugh at her.

Okay. There was one thing Grayson had brought that could at least get her mind occupied so she wouldn’t feel so nuts.


She pulled the burner phone off its charger. Again. She was doing that a lot. She certainly hoped that Grayson continued to keep her well supplied with batteries for the charger.

What she needed to do now was figure out where to go from here and how to get there—notwithstanding whether Grayson actually came through with her disguise.

Too bad she couldn’t just place an online order for what she needed. She preferred actually shopping in person, enjoying the outing, but she had used the internet for acquiring plenty of things before.

But even if she wanted to shop online, where could she have anything sent?

She needed to decide at last where to go.

Maybe to Phoenix—still in Arizona and not extremely far away.

Or Los Angeles—so big and crowded she could surely get lost there.

Or Mexico. It was just across the border from Arizona, after all. But just being in another country wouldn’t solve her problems, especially since she didn’t really know its language. And she didn’t have the ID she would need to leave the United States.

Or—where else? New York City? Washington, DC? But how would she get there...or anywhere? And how could she live there on her own, with no money since she didn’t dare to try to access any of her ample accounts? They had probably been frozen anyway, considering that she was accused of committing a murder and had even been denied bail.

No job. No identity she could use.

She sighed. Maybe looking at the news or some feature stories would help. Would she be able to learn how other fugitives got away—successfully?

She started her search this time at the local level. On her phone, she found a link to stream the news on the local affiliate of a national station. She turned up the sound on the phone and started looking.

And she immediately gasped aloud.

The story that came up wasn’t at all what she was expecting. It couldn’t be true. And yet, how could it not be?

With a photo in the background that seemed much too real, too familiar, and a banner at the bottom that said “Breaking News,” the female newscaster with the solemn face was saying, “The police are not giving details yet, but the body of attorney Ian Wright was just discovered by his secretary inside his office building. More details to come. Ian Wright was representing murder suspect Savannah Oliver, now a fugitive. Although police have not publicly commented on potential suspects, we understand Oliver might be a suspect in this murder, as well.”

Savannah sobbed as she closed the browser. She pushed the buttons on her phone to call Grayson, whether that was smart or not.

He answered right away. “Hell. You heard?”

“Yes,” she managed to say. “Had you met...had you seen Ian?”

“Yeah, I did. I’ll tell you about it later. Right now—well, stay where you are. I’ll see you soon.”

And then he was gone—when she perhaps needed to talk to him most.

He’d seen Ian. Talked with him.

Murdered him? Surely not. Why would he?