“Absolutely. But I assume I don’t have to tell you to be careful and not make calls to anyone you know without thinking it through first. They may not recognize your number or your name on the phone, but—”

“I understand. No way will I call anyone I don’t trust. You can be sure I’ll be cautious.”

“Good,” Grayson said, then he did as she had requested and called her from his phone.

She answered it. “This is Charlene. And who am I talking to?”

“Some weird guy who wants to know exactly where you are so I can come and hassle you.”

“Okay, weird guy. I’ve got your number.” And Savannah pressed the button to end the call.

“I think I’m in trouble.” Grayson made a mock-nervous face and aimed a grin toward Savannah.

But what was next? He could leave now, but the kind of help he had provided that day wasn’t all she needed.

To provide an excuse to stay longer, he said, “I think we deserve a late lunch now, don’t you?”

“I certainly do,” she said, rising. “And since you brought all the food and other stuff we need, I’ll make us a salad and sandwiches. That okay with you?”

“Definitely,” he replied.

* * *

It was an excuse, of course. Savannah was perfectly happy using the things Grayson had brought to prepare as nice a lunch as possible for them.

But mostly she didn’t want him just to drop things off, show her how to use that critical phone—and then leave her here, alone and unsure what to do next.

Besides...well, she enjoyed having him around.

Especially after that kiss.

Of course, even if he stayed for a while, that moment when he left would come. He couldn’t, shouldn’t, stay here much longer. Yet she hated the idea of hanging out here alone again. Although, now that she had a phone she could use, it wouldn’t hurt to try to do some research on Zane and what was being said about him on the internet. Would she find any answers? Well, she definitely wouldn’t if she didn’t try.

Without another word to Grayson, she went to the kitchen. She used the cleaning materials he had brought to scrub the sink, then washed some of the utensils she had found in the kitchen drawers.

She cut the head of lettuce Grayson had brought, along with a tomato, placing them into a clean bowl. Then she made sandwiches from the cold cuts and kept everything on paper plates.

While she was doing all this, she glanced at him now and then. Which wasn’t a chore. Grayson’s gleaming blue eyes seemed to sparkle when he looked at her, and particularly when he teased her and helped to keep her mood from becoming completely depressed despite her questionable freedom.

Plus, he was a first responder. Could he use his skills and help her figure out what really happened to Zane?

Plus, Savannah couldn’t help thinking about before, when he had first arrived

that day.

When she’d had no clothes on, only a towel around her, and had impulsively hugged, and kissed, him.

She had an urge to do it again now. In thanks for what he had brought.

In thanks for appearing to believe in her. For helping her. For bringing her food, and hanging out to share a meal with her. Unlike Zane. Oh, they sometimes shared meals, but that had become a lot less frequent before they separated.

During part of the time she prepared their lunch, Grayson seemed to be texting someone, maybe more than one. His staff?

He eventually stood and crossed to the far side of the room, where he conducted some phone conversations, too. Though he was talking to whoever was on the other end, he kept his voice low so she couldn’t hear more than a few words of what he said.

At least his staying here didn’t seem to prevent him from communicating with people he needed to.

And her? Who would she dare to communicate with using her new phone?