Oh, great. She hoped she was imagining it. And if she wasn’t—well, her next hope was that Grayson had returned.

But what if it wasn’t him? She had figured out how to get inside through the window, and other people besides Grayson could undoubtedly do it, too—especially if they were looking for her and had reason to believe she was here.

She needed to get out of there. Protect herself, no matter who it was.

But here she only had a towel to keep herself covered.

Had she been foolish again? Maybe she shouldn’t have showered. Or maybe she had just imagined the noise...and maybe not.

What was she going to do?

Well, she could at least confirm that someone was there—and that it was the person she had anticipated. Hoped for.


Wrapping the towel around herself, tucking the edges so it would stay wrapped—and also holding it—she opened the door just a crack.

“Who’s there?” she called out. She still hoped her imagination was on overdrive and no one was there, but—

“It’s me, Savannah. Grayson. I’m back.”

Relief swept through her. “Since I know I locked the door, I assume you crawled through the window,” she said, feeling amused and embarrassed, too.

“Yep. I’m getting to know my way around this place.”

Savannah had opened the bathroom door wider at the confirmation of who was there—and her easy recognition of his deep voice. Sure enough, there he was, standing by that dratted table again, his back toward her clothes on the chair. He no longer wore the neon vest, and his long-sleeved T-shirt today was dark blue, the same shade as his jeans.

He looked in her direction. Scanned her, with her towel, head to toe.

She barely knew the guy, but somehow his warm, interested expression turned her on.

That, combined with her happiness at realizing her visitor was the man she’d wanted to see again, caused her to dash toward him, smiling, arms open wide. “Welcome to my refuge—again—Grayson.”

She threw her arms around him, and at the same time he grasped her and pulled her close.

Good thing she had done a reasonable job of securing the towel around her beforehand.

“Thanks, Savannah,” he responded. “Good to see you again, too.”

And before she could stop herself, she reached up, brought his head down to hers, and gave him one hot, sexy kiss.

Chapter 6

What the heck was he doing?

Kissing Savannah, of course. Or responding to her kissing him. And it felt wonderful. All over.

Sure, Savannah looked damned beautiful in only a towel framing her slender body that nevertheless suggested lots of curves, which were confirmed by the feel of her in his arms.

And, okay, she hadn’t been the only one wanting a hug. Or more. From the instant he had seen her that way, wrapped only in that towel, smiling welcomingly at him, her shorter blond hair wet and forming a halo around her gorgeous face, he certainly hadn’t objected to her grabbing him. And he had definitely grabbed her back. And joined in that amazing kiss.

But right now, he ended it. Let his arms drop. Then he backed slightly away.

She smiled but seemed to blush a little as she, too, stepped back and stood there looking at him. Or around him.

Oh yeah. He’d seen some clothes stacked on one of the chairs he now stood in front of.

“Hey,” he said, moving sideways, farther from the clothes. “Wait till you see all the supplies I brought for you. Maybe that kiss will be the first of many.” He was teasing, of course.