Callum knew this man. He approached and when he saw his jawline and nose in more detail he recognized Ace.

“Ace?” Callum checked out his brother. Ace would normally be seen in very expensive suits. About the only thing cowboy about him normally was his slightly unruly light brown hair.

“Yes. Callum.” He leaned in for a quick manly hug. “Good to see you. I didn’t know you had a new girlfriend.” Ace looked at Hazel.

“This is Hazel Hart,” Callum said.

She smiled and shook his hand. “Hello.”

“From what I can see, Callum is the lucky one.”

“Thanks for the compliment,” Hazel said.

And Callum had to agree. He was the lucky one. Or not, if things fell apart.

“What are you doing here?” Callum asked.

Ace sighed his frustration. “I can’t believe this is happening to me. I didn’t shoot Dad.”

Although Callum didn’t believe his brother would kill anyone, he often wondered if it was possible Ace had fallen into a rage and acted impulsively. A lot of murderers went to prison that way. They seemed like normal, everyday, rational people but something happened to make them lose control momentarily and in seconds the deed was done. They killed and instantly wished they could undo the act.

“Dad had a long list of enemies,” Callum said. “I wouldn’t even know where to start to look for suspects.” That’s why he was a bodyguard and not a detective.

“I can’t risk coming out of hiding. There is too much publicity.” Ace glanced around as he must do all the time. “I’m going out of my room to get food. Other than that, I stay hidden. I’m a little worried you recognized me.”

“I’m family. Anyone who doesn’t know you well wouldn’t.”

“There are rumors all over Rattlesnake Ridge Ranch and my condo, so I’m staying at the Dales Inn until all the nonsense dies down. I’m half tempted to leave town, even though the cops told me not to. I cannot be arrested.”

“You should be fine if you lay low,” Callum said.

Ace didn’t look convinced. “I miss it,” Ace said. “Running Colton Oil. It’s in my blood.” He stopped as though catching himself. “Even if Colton blood isn’t running through me, I am a Colton.”

Having been raised by Coltons and then entering into the world of Colton Oil, Ace’s entire life revolved around the family name. Callum felt for him, that he faced losing so much.

“No argument from me,” Callum said. “You’re my brother no matter what.” Even if his instinct said Ace didn’t shoot Payne and he ended up being wrong, Ace would always be his brother.

“I appreciate the support, brother.” Then he glanced at Hazel. “What are you doing here?”

“Someone is after Hazel. She and her daughter witnessed a murder.” He went through a brief explanation, Ace listening.

“You’re working,” Ace said when he finished.

“In a way, yes.”

“I saw you holding hands,” Ace said. “So, it must be more than work.”

“In a way,” Hazel said, mimicking Callum’s response.

Ace laughed, low and brief. “Love at first sight?”

Callum didn’t have a comeback for that. Hazel must not have, either, because she also had nothing to say.

“It’s about time you had a long-term relationship,” Ace said. “It’s been, what, almost five years now since Annabel?”

Callum nodded.

“I always wondered about that. She must have done a number on you. Weren’t you the one who broke up with her?”