The detective called in the incident, which would bring in other officers. “I’ve got something else to discuss with you. Why don’t you come up so Hazel can listen in?”
“All right. Is there more going on between you two than a mad shooter?”
He walked with her up through the trees—all part of the landscaping of the inn’s grounds. “Unfortunately, yes.” He was more convinced of that than ever.
* * *
Hazel heard the door open and looked up from the book she had been reading. She had to keep her mind off Evie. Kerry followed Callum into the suite.
Hazel stood from the sofa as they approached. “Did you find out who was out there?”
“That SUV was gone but someone started firing at us,” Callum said.
“We were questioning a man who was standing outside the inn looking suspicious when we were shot at,” Kerry added.
Hazel looked from her to Callum, confused as to who could have shot at them. “Was it the person in the SUV?” Maybe they had parked somewhere else.
Callum shook his head. “No. I’m sure of it. The gunman was bigger than the person in the SUV. I’m sure they’re two different people.”
“The person in the SUV is watching you?” Kerry asked. “Is it the stolen one from before?”
“No, this one was a charcoal gray and that other one was black. I didn’t get a plate number, but I don’t think that person is the same as the shooter. It’s just suspicious. The gray SUV was parked out there a long time.”
Kerry nodded. “Well, let me know if something changes or you see it parked out there again. And try to get a plate number. If it’s someone different than our shooter, then maybe they won’t be as careful.” She glanced at Hazel. “Like, if it’s someone you know.” Looking back at Callum, she said, “I’ll keep an undercover cop outside. I would suggest going somewhere else to stay, but given how brazen the shooter is, he will most likely come back. We could catch him if you keep drawing him here.”
Callum told Kerry about Carolyn.
“Then your suspicion is definitely warranted. She may seem rational to your face but you never know what she’s thinking or doing when no one is around.”
Hazel didn’t like imagining Carolyn capable of stalking her or something more, but she would keep an open mind.
“I should get going,” Kerry said. “It’s a really busy day.” She stopped at the door. “Hey, did you have any luck tracking down Nan Gelman?”
Judging by Callum’s frown, he hadn’t done anything yet and felt bad. “I’m sorry, with everything going on...”
“It would be great if you could do that.”
“I’ll see what I can come up with in the next few days for you about Nan.”
“Thank you,” Kerry said. With that, Kerry left.
Alone with Callum, Hazel began to get uncomfortable, as she usually did, because she had such a hard time controlling her attraction to him. He was just so nice to look at. She even loved the sound of his manly voice. And she couldn’t forget the frequent reminders of how good they were together in bed.
“I’ve got to cook some meals. Can you start looking for this Nan person?”
“I need access to some systems through work. I can call Charles and get something going.”
Hazel went into the kitchen to start cooking, ever aware of Callum as he made a call to Charles, who must have been his boss. She listened to him make a request for remote access and Hazel gleaned from the call that Charles would have what he needed delivered later that day. Just like that, he’d be connected.
Callum sat on the sofa and saw her book. Picking that up, he read the title, then the back cover. “You like thrillers?”
“I like any action-packed murder mystery.” She watched a lot of the murder case shows on television.
“I like those, too.”
She sneaked a look at him. Pretty soon they’d be watching television together like a couple who’d been together for years. It already felt like she knew him that well.
He put the book down and flipped channels, stopping on a local one showing a reddish-blond-haired woman with blue eyes talking on a news program. She stood in front of the Colton Oil offices, so Hazel assumed she was a member of the family. She was quite attractive and looked to be in her late forties. The banner beneath her image read Selina Barnes Colton, VP and Public Relations Director of Colton Oil.