“Everything is all right, Owen,” Hazel said. “I’m not doing anything I don’t want and I won’t do anything that will hurt me or Evie.” She turned to Callum. “Especially Evie.”
Callum put his hands up. “I am a decent guy and I would never harm Hazel or Evie.” He looked at Hazel. “Not intentionally.”
He couldn’t promise she wouldn’t end up with hurt feelings after this was over. He couldn’t predict the future, much less their chemistry. That had a mind of its own.
“All I ask is you don’t tell anyone Evie is staying here.”
“We would never put her in that kind of danger,” Owen said, Jessica shaking her head in full agreement.
They finished eating and now it was time to go. Callum saw how difficult this was going to be for Hazel. She watched Evie play with Olive with somber eyes.
“She’ll be fine,” Jessica said. “We have toys for my nieces and nephews, my siblings’ kids, so she’ll have plenty to do.”
Hazel sent her a grateful but bittersweet smile. “I’ve never been away from her like this before.”
Jessica put her hand on Hazel’s shoulder. “You’ll see her again before you know it.”
Hazel nodded, wiping her eye even though no tears had fallen. She did look a little misty, though. She went to Evie and crouched.
“Hey, Evie. Mommy’s going to go now. I’ll be back to get you as soon as I can, okay?”
“Okay.” Evie stood and turned to hug her mother, not seeming at all afraid to stay with her aunt and uncle—and their cute beagle.
Hazel kissed her head. “You be good for Aunt Jessica and Uncle Owen, okay?”
“Okay.” Evie plopped back down by Olive, whose tail wagged and head moved forward for a quick lick on Evie’s face.
Evie giggled and petted the dog.
Hazel stood and walked to the entry where Callum waited. She glanced back once more before saying goodbye to her brother and Jessica.
Just then, Evie bounded over, throwing her arms around one of Callum’s legs. “Bye, Cal-em.”
Callum knelt before her and she hugged him around his neck. “Bye, Evie. We’ll see you soon.”
“’Kay.” With that, she ran back to the dog.
“How long did you say you two have been living together?” Owen asked incredulously.
“Not long. A week or so,” Hazel said.
“You must be good with kids,” Jessica said.
“Maybe so. Evie is a good girl,” Callum said, seeing Hazel wasn’t amused. She was probably concerned over how Evie would react if he left them.
Callum couldn’t do anything about how much Evie liked him. He could be careful with her, though—and Hazel.
They left the house.
Outside, Hazel rubbed under her nose as though the sting of tears threatened her composure. “Is she even going to miss me?”
Callum chuckled. “She’ll have a lot of new things to keep her preoccupied. But yes, she’ll miss you and she’ll be so excited to see you again.”
Hazel smiled slightly. “And you, it would seem.”
“I’ll be mindful of that, Hazel.”
“She’s already so attached to you.”