Although she wanted nothing more than to enjoy this, to absorb every touch, every single nuance of his fingers glancing along her skin, she just couldn’t lie back and have this happen without some sort of reciprocation on her part.

Marlowe eagerly slipped her hands beneath Bowie’s shirt, opening buttons, moving aside the fabric and all the while yearning for the next exciting moment.

And the next.

A moment filled with reverence, with kissing. With fire.

His breath along her skin excited her beyond all measurable scope, and she desperately wanted to make Bowie feel what she was feeling. Determined to try, Marlowe returned his kisses with a frenzy that she had never experienced before, fueling a fire that burned to unimaginable heights within him.

Bowie felt his heart pounding, and while he wanted to experience the rush that came with ultimate release, he was determined to prolong what was happening between them for as long as was reasonably possible.

Capturing Marlowe’s hands to keep them still as well as from causing him to reach the peak of their experience, Bowie kissed her slowly, deeply, his passion increasing with each passing moment until Marlowe all but melted into a puddle right beside him.

A hot, contented, bubbling puddle.

She bit her lower lip as she felt his mouth branding every inch of her body with hot, achingly slow, arousing kisses.

Unable to remain still, she began to twist and turn beneath him as she tried to absorb each imprint, each arousing pass of his hands gliding along her throbbing skin.

He was making her crazy.

Shifting, she reversed their positions, and suddenly, she was the one who was leaving hot, moist trails along his heaving body; she was the one making him ache for her instead of the other way around.

Marlowe was working him up to the point that he was afraid, any second now, he was going to wind up wanting her too much and lose the control he was exercising over his body.

“Who would have ever thought that underneath that beautiful, cool exterior was this churning volcano of molten lava about to erupt and shower its fire all over me?” Bowie said with a laugh.

“That has to be the best-kept secret in Arizona,” he added, his eyes shining as he looked at her again.

And then there was no more time for talking, no more time to continue to keep feeding the fire. The fire they had lit was now hot enough to consume them both.

Bowie shifted his body, moving along hers until he was directly over her. His eyes all but devoured her, holding her prisoner.

Lowering his mouth to hers, he captured her lips and then moved to enter her.

At first he did so slowly and then with more feeling, moving so that the dance that was within their souls suddenly bloomed and became very much a reality.

Marlowe caught her breath as a shower of stars exploded within her. By the way he moved, she knew he’d been captured in the fallout, as well.

With all her heart, she wanted to hold on to this feeling forever, even though she knew that really wasn’t possible.

But at least she had now, which meant a great deal to her and made her heart sing. As for the rest of it, she would deal with that later.

Chapter 19

She knew her bed was empty the second she woke up, even before she opened her eyes the next morning.

Marlowe was reluctant to actually open them, because then she would know for sure, and until she did, she could continue to pretend she was wrong. That Bowie was still here beside her.

Oh, grow up, Marlowe. You can’t just spend the entire day in bed with your eyes shut, in a state of denial.

That wasn’t who she was, she told herself. Denial was not the way she operated, anyway.

Bracing herself, she opened her eyes.

The emptiness hit her harder than she would have ever thought it would.

He was gone.