He’d give her whatever space she needed.

He had no choice there. And no desire to do anything where she was concerned that was directly contrary to what she needed.

But he was not going to turn his back on her. Or Marisol.

Back and forth he walked. Repeating what he knew to be his deepest truths. He might be getting ready to lose a piece of his life, but he’d found himself in the process of loving Elaina Alexander.

And for that he’d be forever grateful.

“I’m sorry.” Her words stopped him in his tracks. She stood at the bathroom door, sandals on, ponytail perfectly intact even while wet.

And his heart sank.

Still, he stood there. Listening. Ready.

Loving someone, standing by them, wasn’t just easy, or fun, or happy. He hadn’t lightly made his promise to always be there for her. He’d meant the words.

Still meant them.

If she needed him to jump o

ut, he’d jump.

And knew that if he needed her to video-call him every night he wasn’t putting Marisol to bed, she’d do so. Because their promises to each other worked both ways. She’d do everything in her power to give him what he needed.

She just couldn’t be anyone but who she was...

“Sorry for what?” he asked, when she just stood there, seemingly unable to express what she had to say.

“For coming in here...into your space...without permission...with you in the shower...and then...touching you like I did.”

He wasn’t sorry. Not in the least. Hell, he’d gotten the best end of the deal, to be sure. But... “Why did you do it?”

He needed to know.

“Because when I got home and couldn’t find you...your SUV was here but you weren’t... I glanced down the hall, saw your bedroom door open, called out, you didn’t answer, and you weren’t in the shed. And then I saw Beldon run into your room and followed him, heard the shower and...” She shrugged. “I just was so glad...and... I’ve missed your body so much.”

She shook her head as her words trailed off.

None of which told him what she’d actually come to say.

“Why were you looking for me?”

She shook her head again, looking at him. Looking different, somehow. Her eyes more alert, open wider, and her chin tilted up higher.

She looked...determined. Something he’d only seen at the hospital, explaining why a scan read she’d done was absolutely accurate and needed to be acted upon.

She’d been right, too.

“I think... I don’t know... I’m not good at just doing what I want to do for someone, without consultation and agreement...”

He breathed his first sigh of relief since his orgasm.

“Okay, so let’s consult.”

“I’ve already...kind of...moved forward...”

And relief left the premises. Still, he stood there. “Moved forward how?”