“With two of us living here, it might be a good time to do so,” he said, seemingly completely unaware of how close she was to leaning forward to kiss him goodbye.

And she stepped back. Firmly. “I’ve narrowed the choice down to eight,” she told him.

His brows drew together in that way of his that meant he was interested. “How many did you start with?”


Even his chuckle turned her on. Time for a bubble bath, some peaceful music and bed. Right after she made a call to Cassie and Wood to tell them about the baby and the change in her living situation.

The thought, like a glass of cold water splashed on hot skin, got her back on track just as Greg turned back from the door one more time.

“Dr. Miller mentioned that you’ve got an appointment next Friday. I’m assuming that includes getting to see the first sonogram?”

The picture produced by an ultrasound...

“It does.”

“I’d like to be there.”

She’d figured as much. But appreciated that he was talking to her about it. Not just showing up or assuming.

She told him the time but didn’t suggest they ride together. Didn’t want them to ride together.

She’d be coming from work, and didn’t know where he’d be driving from.

It wasn’t like she was privy to his schedule.

Though...maybe, with possibly adopting and training a dog and all, they should keep each other apprised. She thought about what it might be like, them knowing each other’s whereabouts all the time. Maybe cooking for each other now and then. Eating together.

When he opened the door to leave, she was about to ask him what he thought about sharing grocery bills, when what she wanted was to share something far more intimate. But he headed out to his car, and she thought it better just to get him out of there until she had time to think things through.

It had been a couple of long, emotional days. And weeks.

All she needed was a good night’s sleep.

And to remember why she’d broken up with Greg Adams to begin with.

Yeah, she knew she’d enjoy having sex with him again. Very much. She’d missed having those hours in his arms.

But if she gave in to her body’s desires, she’d want more, and would eventually probably talk herself into allowing that intimacy regularly, which, along with living together, would mean they were a couple, and she’d be right back where she’d always been. Leaning. Not standing.

She wasn’t going to do that to herself, to Greg or to their child.

* * *

When Elaina called just after ten the next morning, to ask Greg if he’d mind meeting her for lunch, he was ready to jump in the car and go. But then she told him where she wanted to meet: a law office.

He didn’t like the sound of that.

And when he thought about his first reaction, just running off to eagerly do her bidding at her first invitation, he didn’t like that much, either.

By the time she’d gotten to her third sentence, letting him know that they were having lunch together in the conference room of Cassie’s law office so that everyone could meet before he officially moved in, and to sign a leasing agreement that Cassie thought they should have for the protection of both of them, he had calmed down. Logical. And, he figured himself a semblance of the highly respected professional he was, as he asked the time and address.

So he’d been a little reactive at first. Big things happening in his life.

The man who’d been in a slowly gestating state of mourning over the fact that he couldn’t have kids had just found out he was going to be a father.

The mind switch took some getting used to.