“What’s wrong?”

“Nothing. Just in a hurry to get changed.” She didn’t have to say why. She was busy. Olivia was busy. They didn’t report in to each other with every move they made. Which was partially why they worked so well as friends.

“I’m rushing, too. I’m standing in for Mary in the kitchen before card class, but I just wanted to tell you, I saw Judge Sanders when I was at the country club for lunch today. Someone said the hottie he was with was his son-in-law.”

“You saw Jamie?” Dr. Howe, dammit. Whatever she called him in private, to everyone else she knew him as Dr. Howe.

“Jamie?” Olivia said the word slowly. “You’re calling a business associate, Dr. Jamison Howe, Jamie? Christine, what are you doing?”

“He’s going to be in my hip pocket for the next eight months,” she reminded. “Coming to my doctor’s appointments. He asked me to call him Jamie.”

The pause made her uncomfortable. “You’re sure this is a good idea? Spending so much time with the guy.”

They’d already been through that particular discussion to the satisfaction of both of them, she’d thought. Which had helped her calm down over her growing feelings for Jamie.

“You were the one who confirmed that studies showed that babies could hear in utero. And that bonding with the father was particularly beneficial in this case.”

“I know. And as a doctor, I do believe it’s important. As your friend...hearing the way you just said his name... I just don’t want you to get hurt.”

She didn’t want to get hurt, either. “My walls are up and fortified,” she assured her friend. “Besides, you know me. I’m not looking for a relationship. Don’t even want one. And guys like Jamie...they’re made for them. I need my independence. My freedom to work twelve-hour days and spend time at the center and have drinks with you...”

No need to discuss the fact that she had the hots for her client/employer. Or that he’d told her he was attracted to her. She’d had hormone shots before she’d conceived. And now that she was pregnant, her body was producing more of them. That explained her increased libido. Just like the transference that he was suffering from.

None of it was real.

They just had to keep their eyes on the bigger picture.

* * *

“Welcome to the mess,” Jamie greeted her, holding what looked like a piece of framed wall art, as he pulled open the front door at the address he’d given her. “Dinner’s on warm in the oven, so we can eat first and then pack, or do some packing first.”

In navy running shorts and a T-shirt, framed by cathedral ceilings and an expensive-looking light brown leather couch and love seat behind him, the man looked...melt her insides gorgeous.

“Let’s do some packing first,” she said in spite of the fact that she was kind of hungry. It was best to stay busy during the time she brought his baby visiting. And most important that she be occupied at that moment. Stepping into his home, even with things out of place and boxes lining one wall, gave her a much more personal sense of him.

She was already carrying his baby. She didn’t need to get any more personal. “You said you

were most intimidated by the china and glassware, so why don’t I start in the kitchen?”

He’d mentioned his packing woes as they’d parted ways at their cars at the beach on Sunday. “Actually, I was hoping you’d help me out in the bedroom,” he said.

Her gaze flew toward his, eyes open wide, heart pounding. He’d already turned away, was settling the frame in his hand, backside out, against a wall. “The closet and drawers are filled with Emily’s things,” he said. “I had no idea what to do with them and it was just easier to leave them where they were, but you’ve mentioned this women’s center you volunteer at. I like that the people in need earn spending dollars by taking classes to better themselves, and then spend them in the center’s shop for things they need. I’d like you to take a look at Emily’s things and see if you think women at the center can use them.”

How a heart could change gears so quickly, she didn’t know, but Christine was no longer suffering from inappropriate sexual needs. Instead, she’d just grown a little fonder of the man inside that incredible body as she followed him up the open staircase.

* * *

“You sure you want me in here, doing this?” Christine stood in Emily’s walk-in closet, directly across the little hallway from the closed door of his identical in design clothes storage room. His was a bit less packed. The hallway, of sorts, was a small walkway of tile between the master bedroom and the attached huge room that had two full vanities with sinks and mirrors on opposite sides, with a garden tub and separate double shower. Another door led off to a small room that set the toilet off from the rest of the suite.

It had all been a bit much for him when they moved in. Who needed so much wasted floor space in the middle of a bathroom? It did nothing but hold a rug and collect hair. It wasn’t like you were ever going to plop down there and play a game or watch TV.

But you could dance there with your wife... The memory came and he let it wash over him. The day he and Emily had first looked at the house, he’d told her straight out he didn’t like it, had complained about the waste of square footage in the master bath. She’d pulled him against her right there in the middle of the room, pressing her hips against his and starting to sway. Humming the song they’d danced their first dance to the night of their wedding.

He hadn’t been all that fond of the song, either. But she’d loved it.

And he’d loved her...

“Hey, do you want...” Christine’s voice was muffled and then not as she came out of the closet. “What’s wrong?”