Page 19 of The Sex War

'Stay out of his life,' snapped Lindsay, glaring at Daniel now. 'He can do without your brand of help.'

'Can he?' Daniel smiled without looking at her, she caught the dry movement of his mouth and fumed.

'Yes, he can!'

'Of course, you're an expert on how to salvage wrecks.'

Lindsay wasn't sure what he meant by that, but she didn't like the sound of it. 'I'm serious, Daniel!' she warned. 'Leave Stephen alone or…'

'Threatening me?' he mocked. 'I'm shivering in my shoes. What happens if I don't do as I'm told?' He pulled up outside her block of flats and glanced out of the window without waiting to hear her answer. 'We'll have to run for it,' he said, and Lindsay sat upright.

'We? I don't remember inviting you into my flat?'

Daniel produced an umbrella from the back of the car. He got out and opened it and Lindsay ran round to dive under its shelter. They ran up the steps, the rain beating down on the thin silk, but once she was inside the building, Lindsay stopped and gave him a frosty look.

'Thanks for the lift.'

'What are you afraid of?' Daniel asked, watching her with cool grey eyes which saw too much and had too much intelligence behind them.

'I'm not afraid of anything, I'm just tired, and I'm not in the mood for one of your barbed chats.'

'We're going to have to talk soon,' said Daniel, shaking drops of rain off the umbrella.

'We've got nothing to talk about.'

'Oh, yes, we have,' he contradicted, and there was a distant triumph in his voice, he was smiling tightly, his mouth curling up at the ends yet not parted.

Lindsay felt her stomach cave in suddenly, she grew alarmed. Why was he looking at her like that?

'About what?' she faltered, and Daniel lifted his brows, glancing around.

'I don't think this is the place for that sort of discussion.'

Lindsay turned and went up the flight of stairs, her footsteps echoing on the stone floors, and behind her she heard the sound of Daniel's following footsteps and shivered, listening to them; he somehow contrived to give the very way he walked an air of menace. She felt as if she was being hunted down, she involuntarily quickened her own pace and Daniel followed suit, his breathing calm and level while Lindsay's was far too quick and uneven.

At first she couldn't find her key and even after she'd traced it down in her handbag she couldn't get it into the lock, her fingers were too unsteady. She felt Daniel watching her and flushed, angry with herself for letting him get to her. She was playing into his hands by making a fool of herself in front of him. She pulled herself together as the front door opened, mentally scolding herself. She was not going to let Daniel undermine her.

'I'm going to make some tea—would you like some?' she asked as casually as she could manage.

'Fine,' said Daniel, walking into the sitting-room as though he owned the flat. She glared at his back but decided not to lose her temper. Shedding her jacket, she went into the kitchen to put on the kettle. She was just making the tea when she heard Daniel's voice, talking on the phone to someone. Lindsay carried the tea tray into the room as he put the phone down, turning towards her.

'Make yourself at home,' Lindsay said sarcastically, and he grinned at her.

'Thanks.' He watched her put the tray down, but as he started towards her, the phone rang again and he whirled and picked it up before Lindsay could get over there. 'Hallo?' he said, listened, then frowned, holding the phone out to her. 'Get rid of him sharpish,' he said, walking away as she lifted the receiver to her ear.

'Hallo?' she said, and Aston demanded: 'What the hell is he doing in your flat?'

'I just got back from Stephen's, Daniel drove me home,' Lindsay told him, keeping her back towards Daniel's intent figure and angrily aware that he was listening to every word she said.

'I know, I rang them—I spoke to your brother. Lindsay, I hope Randall isn't going to be around too much in future. What is he up to?'

'I don't know, I'm going to find out,' said Lindsay in a casual voice.

'Watch yourself, darling,' Aston urged, sounding anxious. 'Have dinner with me tonight? We can talk then.'

'I'd love to,' said Lindsay.

'Pick you up at seven?'