‘She’s doing an Open University course in geology.’

Annie’s eyes opened wide. ‘Geology?’

‘She has been working her way slowly towards taking a science degree for three years, a course at a time. As she says, there’s no hurry, and she’s made a lot of new friends at the weekly class she attends, and at the reference library. Mum has always been ambitious.’

Annie watched him curiously. ‘For you as well as herself?’

‘I suppose so.’

‘Have you got any brothers and sisters?’

‘A married sister.’ Sean looked at his watch. ‘Did you want some breakfast or not? I think I ought to get a move on.’

‘No, thanks, I don’t eat in the morning. Coffee would be great, and orange juice, if you’ve got some. It’s very good of you to go to all this trouble for me, Sean. I’ve never had a big brother before.’

‘What a compliment!’ he said, going out and closing the door carefully so that he shouldn’t slam it, which was what he wanted to do. How dared she try to cast him in the brother role? He did not want to be her brother.

In the kitchen he put the coffee on and squeezed a couple of oranges, then he rang Tom Moor. As usual, Cherie answered, sounding half asleep.

‘God, Sean, don’t you ever ring during normal office hours?’ she groaned. ‘I was fast asleep.’

‘Sorry, I won’t have time later. Is he there?’

Cherie grunted and a second later Tom’s thick voice came on the line. ‘Man, I don’t believe you’re doing this to me.’

‘I’m sorry, but it’s urgent.’

‘It always is. And before you ask, yes, I’m on your case, but I’m not getting anywhere. Your man hasn’t been seen around his old haunts, anyway, although I heard plenty of rumours. I think he may have changed his name. Actors do that a lot, I’m told. Especially if their careers are slipping. They work under another name to protect their reputation.’

‘OK, keep trying, Tom, but I’ve got another job for you. I want you to trace another guy. This one is definitely around – he’s working for an outfit called Real Life Crime International Magazine. He interviewed Annie Lang the other day – the studio publicity outfit may have his name and address. All I know is that he’s called Johnny something. Find out where he lives, where he has been living for the last eight years. Find out anything you can, in fact, and as fast as possible. I need to know all about him.’

‘OK. Can I go back to sleep now? I was planning on another hour or two at the very least. And no magazine offices will be open until nine at the earliest, OK?’

‘Well, get back to me by tonight with whatever you do find out, Tom.’

Ringing off, Sean slipped a slice of bread into the toaster and found a jar of peanut butter. Annie walked in just as he was taking his first bite of toast. Sean waved a hand to the glass of orange juice he had poured her and she took it and sat down, glancing at the clock.

‘My driver will turn up for me as usual. I should have got in touch with the company last night.’

‘That’s okay, Harriet’s PA will have dealt with that. You know how efficient Harriet is!’

‘Poor Jason, I must buy him a box of really expensive chocolates,’ Annie thought aloud, and Sean frowned.

‘Who the hell is Jason?’

‘My driver.’

‘You are going to buy chocolates for your driver just because you had to cancel? You’re kidding!’ Sean stared at her as if she was crazy.

‘He’ll have lost his biggest fare of the day,’ Annie said. ‘And he can’t afford to.’ She started to laugh as she saw Sean’s face. ‘His mother is a fan, and his girlfriend, Angela, loves really expensive chocolates. But Jason can’t often afford to buy them for her because he’s saving up to marry her, although his mother says if he does she won’t come to the wedding, but she will. She’s a wonderful mother.’ Annie pulled a face at Sean. ‘And stop looking at me as if I’m a sandwich short of a picnic. I know what you’re thinking!’

‘No, you don’t. I was thinking that I had the stupid idea I knew you pretty well, but

I’m beginning to realise I hardly know you at all,’ Sean said flatly.

Mike Waterford rang Harriet at seven o’clock; she was already at the studio, waiting for Annie and Sean to arrive. When she was told Mike was on the line, she picked up the phone with an irritated expression.

‘Don’t tell me! You just woke up, you’re going to be late again!’