‘It always is,’ she thought aloud, and jumped when someone answered her from the dark.


‘What?’ she repeated, bewildered, blinking into the shadows.

‘You said something always is …’

‘Death,’ she said, ‘a shock … it’s always

a shock even if you know it’s coming.’

‘That’s true, but it can be kind, too, can death – it can be your friend,’ said the nurse, coming towards her bed, and she smiled, recognising the face.

‘Oh, it’s you, Cinders. I didn’t think you were on tonight!’

‘I wasn’t, but Claire got a migraine and had to go off, she rang me and asked if I could take over, so I’m working a split shift. Feel like a cup of tea? I was just going to have one.’

‘I’d love one,’ Trudie said eagerly.

‘Well, don’t go anywhere. Wait here till I get back.’

‘Chance would be a fine thing! God, if I could walk I’d be out of here like a shot!’

‘If you could walk, we’d throw you out, don’t worry!’ Cinders grinned.

Trudie giggled like a little girl. ‘I believe you!’

Cinders went to the door. ‘OK, love, I’ll be back soon, and we’ll drink our tea together, have a nice chat.’

Those were the best nights, when Cinders was on; she always made sure of staying awake if Cinders was on duty. They often had a cup of tea or cocoa together. Trudie had begun calling the nurse Cinders because at night there were so many dirty, routine jobs left over from the day rota, like taking the soiled bandages to the boiler and disposing of all the garbage a busy ward managed to make during the day – and it was Cinders who seemed to be the one who got the worst tasks.

They were very understaffed in the ward; the nurses all got bad-tempered at times but Cinders never did, whatever the provocation. Trudie was always glad to see Cinders coming on duty.

‘Did you see the show tonight?’ Trudie asked when Cinders brought the tray of tea and Nice biscuits.

‘Now, what do you think? Of course I did, never miss it, do I?’ Cinders passed her a mug of tea and a couple of biscuits.

‘Derek Fenn looks older every time I see him. Getting past it, losing his hair, and those teeth don’t fit, do they? Ought to get some better teeth than that.’

‘Derek Fenn?’ repeated Cinders, not really listening.

‘You know – the desk sergeant.’

‘Oh, the father figure who patronises her every time he opens his mouth!’

Trudie giggled. ‘Father figure! He wouldn’t like it if he heard you call him that. Oh, quite the ladies’ man, Derek Fenn, once upon a time, that is. He was after our Annie once, years ago, mind.’

Cinders sat up. ‘But he’s old enough to …’

‘Be her father!’ ended Trudie, chuckling. ‘Well, that never stops them, does it?’

‘She didn’t …?’

‘Didn’t what?’ Trudie couldn’t remember what they had been talking about, and panic surged through her. ‘What was I saying?’ she whispered and Cinders gave her a soothing smile.

‘Derek Fenn, love, remember? You were saying he chased Annie once – remember? How did Annie feel about him?’

Suspiciously, Trudie said, ‘Why are you asking so many questions about my Annie?’