Page 49 of Master of Comus

He shrugged. 'I have friends in Paris, remember. I hear all the gossip.'

'Of course.' She paused, then asked. 'How is George?'

'Doesn't Paul keep you in touch? George is very well, quite recovered from his illness. He and Diane have gone away to the Canary Islands for six months' holiday. Paul has been very busy getting George's affairs in shape. George intends to retire now, and his merchant bank has offered Paul a directorship in his place.' Jake watched her closely, his eyes narrowed. 'You seem to find all this surprising. Doesn't Paul write to you?'

She met his eyes bravely. 'I'm not very interested in business matters.

Jake grimaced faintly. 'I see. So what have you been doing with yourself since I last saw you? A lot of sunbathing, from the look of you.'

She smiled. 'I've been on Comus for weeks—as you guessed, sunbathing and swimming a lot of the time. It's very relaxing on the island,'

'You look tanned, but you certainly don't look very relaxed,' Jake told her.

Her eyes shifted uneasily. 'I'm worried, of course.'

'About what?' Jake leaned forward urgently, his eyes fixed on her face with great intensity.

'About Argon, my great-grandfather. He's dying. Didn't you know?'

Jake looked almost disappointed. 'I see. I'm very sorry to hear it. He's a fine old man.'

'Yes, I'm very fond of him. I've got fonder of him than ever during these last weeks. I hate to think ahead at the moment. The future looks too grim For more reasons than Jake could ever guess, she thought to herself.

'For a newly married couple you and Paul have a very casual attitude towards each Other,' Jake said slowly. 'How long are you going to be in London?'

'I'm going into the country tomorrow, to visit an aunt of mine,' she said.

'How are you getting there?'

'By train, I suppose.'

'Let me drive you,' Jake suggested.

'Oh, no,' she protested. 'I couldn't give you so much trouble, although it's very kind of you to offer.'

'It's neither kind nor troublesome,' he said flatly 'I want to see you tomorrow.'

She felt her cheeky flushing. 'Jake! Don't start that again. I thought...'

'Leonie, Stop thinking for a little while, Jake interrupted her hastily. 'Just let things drift for a time. It might take that haunted look out of your face. What harm can it do for me to drive you to visit your aunt?'

She hesitated, biting her lip. She had enough problems on her mind without Jake adding more.

He put a hand across the table to take one of hers 'Please, Leonie,' he murmured softly.

She shrugged helplessly. 'Very Well.' She could not be bothered to argue any further.

The waiter hovered expectantly. Jake looked round, his face triumphant, and clicked a finger and thumb. 'I'll order now,' he said.

They took their time over the meal, talking and laughing easily together. Jake had a fund of funny stories which brought a sparkle into Leonie's eyes and eased the lines of strain around her mouth and nose. By the time they were drinking their coffee, Leonie was feeling far more relaxed and cheerful.

'It's a pity to break this up so soon,' Jake said, as they left the table. 'There's dancing in the ballroom tonight. Will you come and dance for half an hour?'

'Oh, I really think I ought to get to bed,' she protested.

Jake took her elbow and steered her towards the sound of dance music. 'Nonsense! A little fun would do you the world of good.'

She laughed, 'You talk as if I were an invalid!'