Page 21 of Master of Comus

'Would I ask if I did?'

'Well now, that rather depends on whether you wanted to remember, doesn't it?'

'Why shouldn't I want to remember?' she asked, appalled.

He shrugged, one blue eye watching her secretly. 'How do I know?' He began to eat his breakfast, slicing off the top of his egg with one dexterous blow in a way which made her shiver. He was altogether too pleased with himself this morning. She had to know what really happened.

Slowly, she said, 'Well, I only remember dancing with you.'

He lifted her hand to his lips with a practised little bow. 'What came after that was much more enjoyable. What a pity you don't remember it!'

Grimly, she asked, 'Paul, for the last time, what did happen?'

He tasted his coffee and gave a sigh of pleasure. 'Mm ... quite delicious. You make good coffee. I'm glad about that. I' m a coffee addict and I..

'Paul!' Her nerves at snapping point, she broke in angrily.

He looked at her innocently. 'What's the matter?'

'Last night,' she repeated.

'You were enchanting,' he said.

She took a deep breath, her passionate face stormy. Her fingers curled around the coffee pot handle. Paul watched apprehensively.

'You aren't going to throw that, are you, darling?'

'If you don't get to the point ... yes!'

'You want the details?' He pretended to be doubtful. 'All the details?'

'Every single damned detail!'

'Well, we danced for a while...'

'I remember that. Get on with it.'

'I warned you about the retsina, you know. I'm afraid you were too headstrong. You were, to put it politely, just the tiniest bit tight.'

Grimly she nodded. 'That much is obvious.'

'Your legs gave way suddenly and I carried you up to bed. But you were very affectionate.' He gave her one of his sidelong, teasing, smiles. 'I must remember that retsina makes you so very warm and loving.'

'Devil!' she exploded. 'So you took advantage of...'

'Darling girl,' he protested. 'You wouldn't let me


/> Scarlet, she bit her lip. 'And so?' she asked hoarsely.

'So ...' his voice was smooth, 'I kissed you and so on.'

'The "and so on" bit interests me,' she said tautly.

He grinned. 'I thought it might.' He laughed. 'Your face! No, Leonie, I did not consummate our marriage last night, tempted though I certainly was by your delightful invitation ...'

'Why, you ...' she bit back the words hovering on her tongue. Relief flooded her—relief and a certain secret feeling of pique. He said she had been inviting. Why then had he resisted the invitation? Presumably because he had not wanted her. Well, she was relieved and delighted, of course. Of course...